Go The Distance

In the Poppy Fields of Lake Elsinore, California


I wrapped up with 61,619 words, which using 300 words per page, puts me at 205 pages! I have to say, I’m pretty pleased with my end total because when I started this journey back in June, I predicted I’d finish with around 200 pages. Achieving this result showcases just how well I knew my material.

What is my material you ask? I can answer that in just two words: my brother.

I’m calling my book, “Shithead” and it’s comprised of fifteen short stories from Chris’s life. Beginning back in his high school years and extending just past his college ones. These are all firsthand accounts as I have interviewed him on dozens of occasions to obtain all these incredible memories. I would then transform the half page or so of notes he gave me into a fully detailed story. Three of the fifteen make up a trilogy, whereas the other twelve stand uniquely on their own, but elements of one another can be found laced throughout.

My brother at St. Louis Pride this past summer. What a look!

Now that I have wrapped up the writing process, I shall be sending excerpts and synopsis’s to as many literary agents as necessary to get my work picked up by someone. My ultimate goal is for this book to be published by a publishing house as I am not looking to self-publish at this time. We shall see how this next chapter unfolds, but I’m certain it will be long and daunting, nonetheless, I’m ready for it. I just spent the better part of five and a half years writing this saga. I’m not about to let it go unread!

I believe with all my heart that I have written a highly entertaining book based on the mishaps and misadventures of my brother’s young adulthood. I’m excited, anxious, and eager to see what comes next and will most certainly be keeping you all informed on how this transpires through future blog posts.

I will be returning to weekly blog posts highlighting eccentric and entertaining stories from my own life beginning again next week. Until then though, I do want to give a big THANK YOU to you all for being here with me from the beginning. Your continued support fuels my inspiration, so really and truly, thank you for being a friend.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


    1. Thank you for being a part of this journey!!! I could not be more excited for this & what’s to come!

  1. Ben I have witnessed your journey and saw your drive for accomplishment early on and I always knew you would go the distance and on top of that you are a great human being! May all your dreams become realities! ⭐️

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