While the year’s vary some depending on who you ask, the dates and month remain the same, I was born on May 1, 1986/1991 and my brother May 2, 1988. I could think of no better way to celebrate him being three years older than me than by sharing a collection of some of my favorite screenshots of his.
Let me just tell you all, I had a harder time with this blog than if I actually wrote something! There were roughly a hundred beauties to choose from with each screenshot being better than the last! Ultimately though, I arrived at twenty-nine images and one video (which I’m MOST excited for you all to watch!) I ended up combining some of his shorter tweets into one block so I could help shorten the overall length of this post. You’ll also notice that I’ve added very little of my own commentary, this is because there is literally nothing I could add that would be better than the subject material before you. Everything stands for itself, so sit back and brace yourself, you’re in for quite the visual ride with this one…

Well, there you have it! Hope you got as many laughs out of these as I did. Obviously the video is my absolute favorite as that ending is just side-splittingly hilarious for me, but the image that made me laugh out loud each time without fail was the second to last, “Just a man in a fur coat on a Tuesday.” That caption is unrivaled. If you’re wondering about the fur coat – it was our grandma’s. Oh, and I titled the blog, “Library Juicer” because that’s Chris’s Instagram name and honestly, it should be all his social media names because “chrisdeshon8” just isn’t serving anyone any justice.
As always THANK YOU all SO much for reading! If you enjoyed this post and have a favorite image from above that you’d like to share please do so below in the comments! Nothing makes me happier than reading your thoughts and giving me the opportunity to reply! I appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing you all again next week! Till then, I wish each of you THE BEST!
That was absolutely hilarious! I don’t know if I could ever pick a picture or quote that was the best because they simply just get better and better!
I know! They’re all so good! I even had to trim off some super good ones that I hated cutting, but I couldn’t make this post a hundred images long! “Just a man in a fur coat on a Tuesday.” That one still gets me every single time.
I can’t pick a favorite! They are all SO entertaining! I cannot wait to read your book! Maybe I’ll even have to purchase a citizen stand so I can stair at your book in the middle of a busy sidewalk in Cutesville.
Oh. My. Goodness. I laughed so hard at this! Chris will happily make a Citizen Stand for you so you can do just that! 🤦🏼♂️😂😂
That way you can document your one thought!
Singular, not plural. 😂😂😂
Your brother is an amazing person in his own way! Happy Birthday Benjamin (May 1st.) and Christopher (May 2nd)!!💕🎂🎈🎁
& this blog illustrates just that! 👏🏻😂
The Tarzan photo shoot was a golden oldie. How did that leaf stay on him? Who thought that getting naked and having a leaf covering the man parts would be a good idea?
It truly is & unfortunately, I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I’ll ask him & get these answers! 😂😂😂
I’m sitting in a hospital waiting room right now reading your blog- laughing so damn hard and crying that I know a nurse is going to come check on my sanity🤣🤣🤣
That was some fabulous blog/pics, but I NEVER need to see a former student in nothing but a leaf😳😂😂😂
Happiest of Birthdays to my dear Benny and little Christopher!!! 🎂🎉🎁🎈❤️🥳
Never would have guessed that you would still be in my life so many years later 😍
I couldn’t not include that Tarzan-inspired pic! I knew it’d catch EVERYONE by surprise, so it had to go in there! Thank you so much! This definitely a different kind of birthday this year. And I know! It’s so crazy! We’re wrapping up our third decade of friendship! That’s wild to think about!
Omg I was laughing for AGES reading this! What a shame that they picked Alexander Skarsqard instead of crazy Chris for Tarzan! They don’t know what they missed out on!! 😂😂 It brings back memories that I have tried to shove into the recesses of my brain and never remember again, of when I was walking Buffy through the neighborhood and Chris suddenly appears on top of your parents’ van, dancing around in his birthday suit! Happy belated birthday, Chris! And happy birthday to you Ben!
Technically Chris’s birthday isn’t till tomorrow, so not belated yet! And YES!!! I remember that time – I wasn’t there but I can sadly vision it as if I was! Poor little Buffy! She should never have had to witness something like that! 😂