DeShon Dynasty: Our Third Anniversary

Believe it or not, July 29, 2020 marks THREE YEARS since Melissa and I wed and to commemorate our anniversary, I thought I’d share with you all a handful of my favorite pictures from that time! Hope you all enjoy these as much as I do!

My face when I realize it’s already been three years!
Kristen’s always camera ready!
Just Chris being Chris (compliments of my cousin’s Snapchat).
We were blessed with the weather that day. For a Saturday in July it was miraculously mild. Céline is always so good to us.
Between Michael and Joseph you can spot The Original Sweet!
You may now kiss the bride!
Love can, Love Can Move Mountains!
The Crouch Family. From Left: Madison (Niece), Bryan (Brother), Stephanie (Sister-in-Law), Katie (Sister), Caidyn (Niece), Me, Melissa, Jane (Mom), and Wayne (Dad).
The DeShon/Hlava/Geisler Families. From Left: Ian (Cousin), Drew (Uncle), Chris (Brother), Alyssa (Cousin), Wally (Dad), Lynda (Mom), Me, Melissa, Katelyn (Cousin), Grandma, Joe (Uncle), Debbie (Aunt), Cindy (Aunt), Cole (Cousin).
Rather than assign people table numbers, we assigned everyone a table celebrity! Only the best of the best were available to our guests.
“I’m So Excited!”
My brother, Chris, making his Wedding Party speech – which I recall being surprisingly very good.
This is probably about the part in Kristen’s bonus speech where she announced Britney Spears would be joining us. Unfortunately, Britney couldn’t make it.
“I taste your sweet kisses! YOUR ARMS OPEN WIDE! This fever for you is just burning me up inside!”
“Woke you from your sleep! To make love to you!”
“No one can move me the way that you do! Nothing erases this feeling between me and you!”
Some photo booth fun!
Some more photo booth fun!
Dancing the night away with my girls Abbey and Jenna!
I wish so badly I knew which Britney Spears song my Father-in-Law, Wayne, was singing!
Our angel of an officiant, Katie, signing our marriage license. Notice “The Power of Love” CD collection! BEST. GIFT. EVER.
A Bobby’s Frozen Custard Bar for dessert! Only THE BEST for our guests!
From Left: Joseph, Michael, Melissa, Chris, Lindsey
From Left: Ashley, Nancy, Me, Kristen, Kamber
EASILY one of my favorites from the WELL OVER 1,000 photos we have!
Some random man with a drone took this and text it to me that day. Super nice.
This has been my phone screensaver for three years now. I should also note that my baby California brother, Garrett, made this filter for our special day! He’s so talented!

THANK YOU so very much to each and every single one of you that was there with us that day making it THE BEST day ever! I’ve never had more fun in my entire life and that’s because each one of you took time out of your lives to celebrate alongside us! I’ll NEVER forget my wedding day because of all the love you all showered on me and Melissa and until I meet either Céline Dion or Britney Spears, it’ll remain THE BEST day of my life!

As always, THANK YOU so very much for reading! I would LOVE nothing more than to read some of your favorite memories from our wedding, so PLEASE leave me a comment below! Or if you had the extreme misfortune of not being able to attend, then please leave any comment you wish! I will STILL LOVE reading them! I’ll be back next week in some form or another (hopefully it’ll be the guest blog I’ve been touting for a month now), but until then, I hope each of you has THE BEST week ever!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Thanks for sharing all the pics. Some I’ve never seen before. The weather was perfect and my fondest memory is watching my daughter appear on the path, walking down the aisle. She was just beautiful!

    1. She truly was! That gorgeous yellow dress just glowed on her! She looked like a Disney princess! Thank you for ALL the time, effort, & energy you put in to making our day what it was! Love you, Jane!

  2. Happy Anniversary from Tom and me! Wishing you both many years of love, friendship, fun and adventure. 💕

    1. Thank you oh-so-very much! It’s been a wonderful bunch of years so far! Looking forward to many, many more! Miss you both & hope to see you soon!

      1. Tom and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary last week. The time flies!
        Hope to meet up with all of you soon! Stay safe!

        1. Whoa! Thirty years!?! Congratulations to you both! That’s absolutely extraordinary! Yes, staying safe & hoping the same for you!

  3. Such a beautiful day filled with so many fun-filled memories! Of course your brother found a tree to climb! 😂

  4. Awww, such gorgeous pictures! Melissa looks beautiful! I love the personalized Coke bottles, the perfect touch!

    1. Those Coke bottles were my favorite too! One adorned every table! & yes! Melissa looked as beautiful as a Disney princess!

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