Co-Pilot Photography

From Left: Melissa, Colsen Garrett, me, & my Co-Pilot, Logan

It makes me so very happy that my first guest blog is by the individual I’ve affectionately coined as my Co-Pilot. Logan is one-third of the triplets everyone knows as my California siblings and despite being only 17 years young, I’ve never personally known anyone who has a better eye for photography. Over the past several years, Logan has amassed a portfolio of literally thousands of photographs – all I’ve seen, I love. The selection you are about to view was submitted to me by Logan himself, so I’m truly thrilled to be able to share these phenomenal pictures with you all! Please enjoy…!

Colsen, Logan’s best friend, makes the perfect model! I just love this kid, he’s THE BEST!
Colsen (left) with another friend of his and Logan’s.
Proud of Logan for properly throwing this trash away after photographing it.

I always take great pride in my own work, but have even more in my baby California brother’s, so really and truly, THANK YOU for viewing this particularly special post! If you enjoyed what you saw then PLEASE leave an encouraging comment below! I’ll be certain to share it with Logan! Just before Halloween I’ll be sharing another urban legend blog of a tale that has terrorized Southwestern Illinois locals for decades, so until then, have THE BEST week ever!

Thank you again! You’re simply the best!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I think your right he definitely has a good eye for a great picture. If he keeps this up I can see a career as a photographer in his future. Good for him. Thanks Logan for sharing these pictures with us!

    1. Thank you for your kind words & I could not agree more! His photography is my favorite, so I’m very excited to see where this skill of his leads him! Glad you enjoyed what you saw!

  2. How do I submit these to National Geographic – because they are amazing!!! Great eye and great talent!!!! So happy these were shared. Incredible.

    1. RIGHT!?! He’s the best! Hopefully this will be the first of many more photographic collaboration blogs!

  3. Wow! These pictures are fantastic, they honestly look professional. I particularly love the black and white shots.

    1. Thank you so much & yes, I completely agree! They’re phenomenal! The black & white ones are some of my favorites as well!

  4. Logan has a keen eye and true talent. He needs to work as an apprentice with a photo in CA and major in Art in College – he can go far with his skills!!!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree! He has so much potential & there’s no telling where this could take him! He could be photographing Céline & Britney one day! COULD YOU EVEN IMAGINE!?!

  5. Absolutely amazing. Such an amazing blog as always. There is no one who entertains me more. Absolutely inspiring to us all. If only the world could be more like you Ben!

    1. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! I’m glad I was able to entertain you again with Logan’s phenomenal photos!

    1. Yes! It’s definitely there! This comment is so cute! I love that you always boost your brother’s confidence & are always rooting for them. I’m so proud of you too!

  6. Wow!! I forgot that I was looking at non professional photos! These are incredible! He definitely has a special talent. Ben- tell him he needs to add these to a database where people can buy them and print!

    1. Will do! I don’t know that database, but I’m sure he does! & thank you! He truly has a terrific eye for a great photo! I’m so incredibly proud of him!

  7. Logan, these are fantastic photos! I see a career as a professional photographer in your future!

    The photo of the mattresses piled on each other was very unexpected but also very thought provoking. It made me realize how lucky I am to have everything I have and at the same time reminded me to be more giving to those less fortunate. I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future!

    1. I thought the same thing when I saw that photo, but Logan informed me those mattresses were out there as part of a hotel renovation. 😂 Still though, the photograph definitely prompted some thought & that’s exactly what great photography does.

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