“Where 69 Meets 40 There’s A Single Stoplight Town”

“Let’s get out of this town tonight…!”

My girl, Carrie Underwood, released a new single this past Friday, March 18, called Ghost Story. A slow-burning mid-tempo jam that’s sure to fire up the Country music airwaves this spring. Needless to say, I absolutely love it, but I absolutely love her. She’s simply the best. Following her social media posts leading up to the release of Ghost Story, I was prompted to return to her expansive back catalogue and rediscover so many jams that I hadn’t listened to in quite a while, but my listening sessions also provoked quite a bit of controversy and you all already know that’s exactly what I’m here for…

While jammin’ out to her phenomenal songs one evening I was also messaging my friend, Cody, NOT The Original Sweet, but the Cody I became friends with from TJ’s. Cody has fast become one of my favorite people, he’s spectacular – simply the best I would say – but his knowledge of pop culture is embarrassingly low compared with that of mine, which is odd because at 24 I’m only five years older than him. Well, while listening to Carrie I decided to ask Cody one of my absolute favorite questions to ask him, which is, “I forget, what’s your favorite *insert artist’s name here* song?” This time the artist obviously being Carrie Underwood.

In true Cody fashion he replied with, “I don’t know if I could name two of *insert artist’s name here* songs.” I think in all reality it’d often be a stretch for him to name even one song from the artists I ask him about (Toni Braxton, Janet Jackson, J. Lo, you know, all the greats) and this Carrie Underwood question proved to be no exception.

Following what has become at this point in our friendship my standard issue shock of him never knowing any of the music I love, I did what I always do and sent him a handful of my favorite music videos of Carrie’s before going on this long monologue about how much I love her. At the tailend of my monologue was where controversy arose for once I began sharing a very intimate story I hold near and dear to my heart about Ms. Underwood, Cody found himself in a state of complete and total shock.

Cody immediately told me I was insane for making the decision I did in this story and from his flabbergasted response, I realized I had a true blog on my hands. If he thought I was crazy for doing what I did, then surely others will too. In fact, Cody went as far as to say that he thinks this will become my most controversial post ever, but I feel quite confident that by the end, you’ll all realize that he’s the crazy one, not me. The rationale here behind my decision making was nothing but sane and smart and I feel most people probably would’ve made the same exact decision as me, but we shall see…

It was June of 2017 and Melissa and I were about to embark on what would become a THREE DAY journey from Temecula, California back home to Cutesville, USA. We were set to be married on July 29th of that summer, so this trip was me moving back home and us beginning our lives together in what many refer to as the cutest town in all of America: Granite City, IL.

As excited as I was to be moving back to St. Louis and being with all my family and friends here once more, I was heartbroken to be leaving behind all my California family and friends, this moment was the very definition of bittersweet for me. To ease the heartache, Melissa got us tickets to see New Kids on the Block, Boyz II Men, and the one and only, Paula Abdul at the Mixtape Tour’s stop at the Enterprise Center in St. Louis. Not only would we be getting to see this sure-to-be-incredible concert featuring three legendary acts, Melissa and I had meet and greets for Paula Abdul! Straight Up now tell me this wasn’t The Promise of a New Day!

Paula Abdul, she’s forever our girl!

Because our concert was on a Saturday and we were leaving California on a Wednesday, we gave ourselves three days to make it back home, so we’d arrive sometime that Friday afternoon. This would give us ample time to be well-rested enough to meet Paula and see the boys in concert. When we mapped out our drive, we figured we’d have enough time to stop and see one singular iconic place of interest along our way, but which was it going to be?

After a great deal of discussion, we narrowed our possibilities down to two locations: the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona or Checotah, Oklahoma.

It terrifies me to think of how many of you are sitting there wondering right now, what in the world is so special about Checotah, Oklahoma??? Well, HELLO! It’s the hometown of American Idol Season Five Winner, Country Music Legend, and one of America’s Sweethearts: Carrie Underwood! “Where 69 meets 40 there’s a single stoplight town” and that town is Checotah, Oklahoma. Those lyrics are from one of my favorite songs by Carrie, I Ain’t In Checotah Anymore off her Diamond Certified debut album, Some Hearts, and that song has inspired me and many of my life’s choices everyday since it arrived in my mind, body, and soul back in 2005.

After pretending for days like we were torn between the two options of the Grand Canyon and Checotah, Melissa and I both agreed that there was ever only one option for us: Checotah, Oklahoma.

Checotah just made so much more sense. First of all, we were on our way to meet Paula Abdul, one of the three American Idol Judges who discovered Carrie! Secondly, the song, I Ain’t In Checotah Anymore, has brought me years and years of inspiration, so of course I wanted to go and see the Sonic and the grocery store and all else Carrie sings about in this life-altering jam! I mean, with all due respect to the Grand Canyon, it’s a hole in the ground with some rocks. I’m sure it would’ve been amazing to see, but it never really stood a chance pitted up against a place like Checotah, Oklahoma. My apologies to all those we teased at the time back in 2017 while pretending like we were conflicted on where we were headed. Both Melissa and I literally have ZERO emotional ties to the Grand Canyon, whereas we both have PLENTY tied to Carrie Underwood, ESPECIALLY ME!

Back in 2005, when Carrie was competing on American Idol, I would quite literally spend TWO HOURS every single week for all eleven weeks of the series finals calling in and voting for her! I’d have the house phone in one hand and my cell phone in the other and I would just keep hitting redial over and over to place as many votes as possible for Carrie. This was PEAK American Idol, so more often than not, those phone lines would be busy, but you better believe I gave it my all. I wasn’t about to let my girl down and all because of my relentless dedication, Carrie Underwood was crowned champion that season and has gone on to give us the single greatest career in all of Country Music – after Dolly Parton’s.

So, while I clearly played a pivotal role in helping Carrie Underwood win American Idol, I also feel an unbelievably emotional bond with her music. Following Céline Dion, Carrie has the second most songs I cry to. Literally there are nine songs of hers that can induce instant tears for me and forget about putting on any of the music videos for them because it’s instantly GAME OVER for my emotions! I could talk all day about all the songs of hers I love, but I’ll spare you that and just showcase the five that I think everyone needs to know.

5. So Small – Easily one of the most inspirational songs ever made. Really helps put life into perspective for me and I’ve never once failed to sing the booming chorus at the top of my lungs. It’s the perfect reminder that you are strong enough to conquer all that life throws your way. What a hymn!

4. Love Wins – Carrie really took a risk releasing this one to Country radio, but it paid off and was a HUGE hit for her and me! The message of acceptance and perseverance causes me to cry every single time and if there’s one thing I LOVE in a song, it’s a choir and this has just that! The second half of the song will give you instant chills and goosebumps. What a hymn!

3. I Ain’t In Checotah Anymore – The single most beautiful rags to riches song ever made and really helps make anyone listening to it feel grateful for where they’ve come from and excited for where they’re going! Driving around this small little town and spotting all the places Carrie references in this song gave me a rush like no other! It honestly felt surreal being where Carrie grew up and seeing what she once did on a regular basis. Really gave me a whole new appreciation for her, her music, and this song in particular. Made me love them all even more! What a hymn!

2. Heartbeat – Outside of Céline Dion’s hymnole, I’m not sure there’s ever been a better love song. Wow, just WOW! Country superstar Sam Hunt’s backing vocals really help propel Carrie’s masterpiece to astronomical heights. This song personifies what it means to be in love better than just about any other ever recorded. What a hymn!

1. See You Again – When I say I cry so hard during this song let me tell you what, I CRY SO HARD DURING THIS SONG! The music video is the kiss of death for my tear ducts. Literally bring me a deluxe box of Kleenex and a 24 pack of Dasani because I’m gonna need it after this perfect piece! It’s just so effortlessly amazing that few other artists could ever hope to achieve what Carrie has here. If you’ve ever missed someone in ANY capacity in your life then this is the song for you! WHAT A HYMN!

So, by this point I’m sure we can all agree that there’s no controversy here and Cody’s in fact the crazy one, Melissa and I DEFINITELY made the right decision by going to Checotah, Oklahoma over the Grand Canyon. After all, Checotah gave the world Carrie Underwood and few other cities have EVER given this planet more. Quite literally one would have to go to either Kentwood, Louisiana (where Cody has in fact been and by doing so has outdone me, I’m so very proud of him) or Charlemagne, Quebec to find a city that has achieved more in this world than Checotah. Don’t you worry though, one day Melissa and I will make it to each of these life-transforming towns and hopefully those voyages will also give us a story as amazing as this.

Well, as always, THANK YOU so much for reading! I appreciate you greatly! Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them – especially if you would’ve chosen Checotah too! I’d love to hear from someone else who would’ve made the same correct decision! I’ll return next week with another all-new post, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

The very moment I saw this was the moment I KNEW Cody and I were destined to become good friends.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I could not be less surprised with your decision. It is cute you two pretended there was another option on the table. 🤣

    1. We didn’t want to seem to eager to get to Checotah! 😂 It was everything we were hoping for & more!

  2. Seen the grand canyon and wow was it a beauty! Never been to Checotah but maybe its a beauty to!

  3. I’d rather be tipping cows in Checotah, than taking pics there in that park. Dusty ole pile of rocks!

    1. Saaame! I mean, we literally got to see the Sonic & the grocery store! The bowling lanes where people go after prom & even Eufaula Lake where they catch Crappy! What more could one ask for!?!

  4. OMG! I love me some Carrie Underwood! Watched and voted for her in Idol also! I might still of chose the Grand Canyon, but I can see why you made the choice you did!

    1. Carrie’s the best! I miss those old American Idol days! I brought Carrie & Kris Allen to victory!

  5. I can’t ever imagine choosing to go to Checotah, Oklahoma over seeing the Grand Canyon, but this is the most Ben and Melissa thing you could’ve done!

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