New England Day Five: Portsmouth, New Hampshire & Portland, Maine

Kamber has a real thirst for coffee – literally she has it several times a day, which I can appreciate and happily partake in, so we never failed to start a morning with an ideal coffee shop situation. The morning of our fifth day was of course no exception and we got up early and set off for Dover, New Hampshire, a quaint little hamlet just about twenty or so minutes from Portsmouth. It was a terrific excursion that allowed us to see more of this beautiful state and enjoy a wonderful breakfast along with our coffees.

Dover was just a morning run though because we then immediately returned to the enchanting village of Portsmouth where we spent the first half of our day before traveling further north into magnificent Maine. I can’t wait for you all to see these photos as like all the other eight, this too was one of my favorite days!

Downtown Dover, New Hampshire. One thing I genuinely loved about New England was how often we saw the American flag. I feel like in the St. Louis area I rarely see it outside of a building or official flag pole, but we saw it all over the place up there and I just loved that.
The Sassy Biscuit Company. I thought it was totally fine, but as I was starving by the time of our arrival, I failed to snap any photos of my food.
Can never get enough of my own restroom selfies!
I absolutely loved the Strawbery Banke Museum! It was a living history museum in Portsmouth where the buildings, people, and activities were all as they were hundreds of years ago. It was just terrific and definitely a place I’d return to!
Kamber walking ahead of me in one of the gardens at the museum.
Love them orange leaves amongst all this greenery.
This was the former governor’s mansion and was deconstructed from its original site and brought here to the Strawbery Banke Museum!
Interior of the governor’s mansion.
More interior.
View from the front porch of the governor’s mansion.
This little tea spot was just too cute not to snap.
My red jacket really pops in the garden of green.
Those orange-red leaves on the right of that tree is one of my favorite colors in the world. I just love it.
Interior of the yellow siding home you just saw with the flag posted outside it.
More interior.
Everything you see is from the time frame the home was set to represent. Most all of it was from the colonial period, but there were some more “modern” buildings and artifacts.
I loved these old houses.
I’d of been writing my days away if I lived during the colonial age.
I developed a real love on this day of taking pictures through the windows. I was just always really pleased with my photographic results, so I was taking them left and right.
Anytime I see orange and yellow flowers (or really just those two colors together in general) I think of mine and Melissa’s love as those were our wedding colors.
A cutie and a ship.
More window photography.
Sometimes I will stand in a single place for minutes till I get the shot I want and this picture represents such a time. It was fairly windy that day and I waited till the flag was exactly as I wanted it to be seen. I’m never here for subpar pictures.
I just loved this museum and would strongly recommend it to anyone visiting New Hampshire.
Our first stop in Maine was to Old Orchard Beach, which even on this cold and dreary day was absolutely wonderful. No one else wanted to get out and take photos as it was kind of misting some, so they dropped me off and I walked alone along the beach. It was really nice. No amount of rain is going to stop me from capturing the pictures I want!
I bet this place is absolutely lit in the summertime! On this day though, not a soul!
“Under the boardwalk, down by the sea…”
I can never get too much of the ocean.
We made it to Portland, Maine for lunch. Portland is the largest city in Maine and I absolutely loved it, unfortunately we didn’t stay the night here, so our time was limited, but I feel confident I’ll get back here again.
This was taken on the pier where our lunch spot was located.
I love birds, in fact, the Bird House, Bird Garden, and 1904 World’s Fair Bird Cage are my favorite places in the St. Louis Zoo, which I also love so very much in general! It’s just the best!
I realize there are PLENTY of other things I could be thinking about when I see these fishing boats and fishing life, but my mind always goes straight to the 1997 horror classic, “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” because the killer in that film is a fisherman and a great deal of the plot centers around a fishing port and the lifestyle of that career. So obviously I’m thinking about that cinematic masterpiece when taking photos like this.
Luke’s was pretty delicious and with its prime location on the end of the pier it served us a great view in addition to the food!
The view from the pier. Enchanting.
I had no idea till this day, but there’s a show about the Kennebec Cabin Company in Maine and Nancy’s mom absolutely loves it. So naturally, we stopped here so Nancy could get her mom some souvenirs and we could snap some photos. The staff in the bar was extraordinarily nice and we had the best conversation with them. The guy working had been to the City Museum in downtown St. Louis before and that just made me so happy because I LOVE St. Louis and the City Museum! This was a wonderful stop.
I thought this bear was just awesome.
I in fact would also poop here again, but I’d of given them 5/5 stars.
This Paul Bunyan statue was right across from the Hollywood Casino we went to in Brewer, Maine, which was the city next to Bangor, Maine where we were staying for the night. Ironically, Brewer is also the name of my good friend who I mentioned in the last post, so how wild that he has a town named after him in the state of Maine. Fascinating.

Well, thank you again for coming along on another photographic journey with me! Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I absolutely love reading and responding to them! I’ll be back really soon with Day Six, but until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More haunts and happenings from our New England vacation:

New England Day One: Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow, New York

New England Day Two: Essex & New Haven, Connecticut

New England Day Three: Newport & Providence, Rhode Island

New England Day Four: Cape Cod, Massachusetts & Portsmouth, New Hampshire

New England Day Six: Bangor, Maine & Burlington, Vermont

New England Day Seven: Salem & Boston, Massachusetts

New England Day Eight: Boston, Massachusetts

New England Day Nine: Boston, Massachusetts & Farewell to New England

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Wowza. It blows my mind how an entire mansion can be deconstructed, moved and then reconstructed! The pictures taken in Maine make me especially happy. I’ve never been there and it has been a lifelong dream of mine to visit. Although it was a cloudy day the pictures turned out great! My favorite, aside from the restroom selfies, is the bird on the roof. So cuuuute! 😆

    1. Agreed! Mind-blown! They moved that mansion quite a long time ago too! Incredible. The seagull was too cute not to share! Thanks for viewing! I appreciate you so much!

  2. Boardwalk there looks like a real neat place to go in the summer time would definitely like to see it then bet its a lot more crowded and packed. Great pictures.

    1. Loved the boardwalk & yes! Would love to see it in the summer! The town was definitely a summertime destination!

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