It feels like forever ago now, but Melissa and I used to have this terrible curse upon us where whatever section we were sitting in at any given concert, we were always surrounded by a bunch of duds. People who would lamely sit there in their seats and just literally watch the show unfold emotionlessly whereas every other section in the venue would be on their feet celebrating the music before us all. Well, those days are thankfully behind us and Friday night at John Mellencamp at the Stifel Theatre downtown St. Louis was a reminder that they are hopefully permanently in our past because we had quite the collection of enthusiastic characters around us.
The guy next to Melissa started off John Mellencamp’s twenty song set with some air-guitaring, but after the first three songs he transitioned to air-drumming and kept with that throughout the duration of the evening. It was odd and he was off rhythm, but he definitely brought a series of smiles to our faces during some of his more animated segments. Then there was this adorable old couple in front of us who were both as lively as ever. She would get up and sing and dance along with the songs and he would just film her living her best life. They were just like me and Melissa but reversed. Then each time she would sit back down, he would plant a lil’ kiss on her. Adorable. Finally, there was our beloved Steph-Ann. We don’t know her real name, but because she looked like a human hybrid of our sister-in-law Stephanie and our Aunt Ann, we coined her, Steph-Ann. She stole the show for us. She knew literally every single song, she had THE BEST dance moves, she was just there to live her best life and we were all the better because of it. These people and more made sure this wasn’t any Lonely Ol’ Night for any of us, but a Wild Night for all!

Bucking the traditional trend of having an opening act, John decided to showcase clips from old Hollywood movies like The Misfits, Giant, On The Waterfront, and Grapes of Wrath amongst others. Now prior to each film clip, there was a video of John talking about what I can only assume was the clip we were about to see. Because of all the chitter-chatter in the auditorium I could never hear what he was actually saying, but it looked to me like John Mellencamp had taken up painting and what I can only assume were his works inspired by these films popped up on the screen alongside his monologue. This was one of the most peculiar beginnings to a concert I’ve ever seen, right up there with the time Céline Dion had a magician open for her, but that made total sense. You’re not going to give someone the challenge of getting on stage and singing BEFORE Céline Dion! This antique film clip and monologue duo was just plain strange, but whatever John wants to do he can do it, it is his show after all.
The crowd was really starting to get restless by the end of these clips and just in time before pandemonium broke out, John and his band took the stage and performed “John Cockers.” I didn’t know this song, but Melissa and I both laughed how the lyrics of wanting to be alone and not having any friends were almost autobiographical in her case. This was her kind of song she proclaimed! He then went into a rip-roaring version of “Paper In Fire” and this was a true crowd pleaser, especially with our girl, Steph-Ann, she was LOVING it! “Minutes To Memories” followed suit and this was another one I was unfamiliar with, but not the John-loving people around us, this was their jam!

John spoke a few words, which I always love when they do, then he set the auditorium ablaze with one of his signature hits, “Small Town.” The crowd went crazy and everyone was singing their hearts out to this iconic number. It was the first real moment of what eventually became several of rock n’ roll unity amongst everyone there. For an artist to even have one song this iconic is a feat, but to have as many of John Mellencamp does is truly something else. He is unquestionably a living legend.
He debuted a new song next off his upcoming album. It was called, “Hey God” and dealt with gun violence in America. Definitely a heavy track, but every bit as strong as anything else in his impressive catalogue. “Human Wheels” was next and again, I didn’t know this song either. The first half of the set really made me feel like I should’ve looked these songs up and familiarized myself with them prior to this show, but other than the extreme devotees around us, most people didn’t seem to know the same numbers we didn’t.
“Jackie Brown” came next and Steph-Ann about lost her shit with excitement, but again, I didn’t know this one. Shame on me! “Check It Out” followed and finally I knew another one! What a jam! He then debuted another new song, “The Eyes of Portland,” which was crazy sad. It was about homeless people and how we as a society and our government don’t do enough to help them. It was really beautiful and well done, but another heavy topic. The ending of this song prompted Mister Air-Drums next to Melissa to scream, “LET’S GO BRANDON!” and praise the Lord it was poorly received by all those around us who could hear this idiot. I don’t know how anyone in their right frame of mind could have heard this song and thought John was somehow singing in unity with the MAGA movement, but nonetheless, this idiot got that LGB takeaway, which is really a shame because just behind us over at Enterprise Center is the only place I want to hear any LGB cheers! (“Let’s Go Blues!” for those not piecing my speak together.)

“The Longest Days” came next and again, I was pretty unfamiliar with this. I was really kicking myself with my pisspoor knowledge of half these songs so far, but nonetheless, I could always count on our girl, Steph-Ann to know the song and be singing her lil’ heart out. I don’t know what we would’ve done up in Mezzanine Right if it weren’t for Steph-Ann. Finally John kicked the setlist into overdrive and performed the most powerful moment of the night: “Jack & Diane.” EVERYONE knew this song and the crowds singing drowned out John’s, but unlike myself, these people were skipping verses and leading us into the chorus and John cut everyone off and made some quips and jokes about the song before leading this sing-a-long once more. It was an amazing moment hearing everyone sing this beloved song in unity. This is arguably his most famous song and most definitely one that a hundred years from now people will still be listening and singing along to. What an icon. Steph-Ann was having what I would best describe as an out-of-body experience in this moment and it was really something else to see. I was so happy for her.
John then left the stage and an accordion player and a violinist came out and played their instruments while the voice of a deceased woman friend of John’s read the lyrics to one of his songs in poem form. It was another peculiar moment in the show, but again, its John’s show, he can do it as he pleases. John returned to the stage to perform “Rain On The Scarecrow” and this was another real crowd pleaser. This song makes me think of my dad not because it has anything lyrically to do with him, I just know he loves it. This song just kind of makes me sad, but I do love it as well.
“Lonely Ol’ Night” came next and again, everyone was singing along and that was just awesome. “What If I Came Knocking” was performed before an extremely crowd pleasing mashup of “Crumblin’ Down” and “Gloria” – John’s “Gloria” NOT the St. Louis Blues adopted theme song. He talked a lot during this number and made plenty of sexualized jokes that were extremely well-received by this rowdy bunch, he’s hilarious and really knows how to work his crowd because EVERYONE was loving it!
A true favorite of mine, “Pink Houses” closed out his traditional set and everyone was singing along to every lyric of this phenomenal song. This song is quintessential summer for me because it reminds me of the Fourth of July and summertime happiness, I just love it so much!
John then introduced his band and thanked the crowd before diving into the final two songs of the night, “Cherry Bomb” (which of course everyone was loving) and then my ultimate favorite of his, “Hurts So Good.” Both these were the perfect one-two punch to end the show. EVERYONE was on their feet singing and dancing and just all-in-all living their best lives. I was so thankful “Hurts So Good” was the final number of the night because in my opinion he really went and saved the best for last! That song isn’t just my favorite of all his songs, but one of my favorite songs of ALL time by any artist ever! Such a feel good jam that always gets me pumped for life! I just love it and so did Steph-Ann, cute couple in front of us, and Air-Drums as well. We all were living for life in that moment.

I really have to thank my beautiful Melissa for this wonderful evening! This was my birthday gift from her. We went and had dinner at Landry’s Seafood House at Union Station before then walking the couple blocks over to Stifel to see John. It was a phenomenal night in the city I love so much seeing an artist I love as well. The perfect night.
Before I wrap this post up, I do want to share my five favorite John Mellencamp songs. He has so many that I love, but like with any artist, there are always some I love more than others and these are them for him:
Small Town: This song is so cute and so relatable to so many. I just think its a jam that will never, ever grow old or irrelevant. It just makes me feel happy and reminds me of life all around me here in the midwest, which makes sense given John Mellencamp’s upbringing in Seymour, Indiana.
Jack & Diane: How could anyone make a favorite songs of John Mellencamp song and not include this iconic number!?! Although my Millennial brain always thinks now of Jessica Simpson’s “I Think I’m In Love With You” when I first hear the iconic opening notes, but what a great memory to have, two amazing songs in one if you ask me. John’s is just so good and the line about sucking on chili dogs always reminds me of Melissa since she can never get enough chili.
Ain’t Even Done With The Night: I love how it kind of has that Caribbean breeziness to it and that’s a vibe I’m always down for. It just reminds me of summer nights and again, another vibe I can always sink my teeth into. I just think this song is just such a jam and I wish so badly he would’ve performed it!
Wild Night: Van Morrison’s version is good, but John’s and Meshell Ndegeocello’s is simply the best! It gets me so pumped and just makes me wanna dance! I wish he would’ve performed it when we saw him, but with such a vast catalogue and a new album on the horizon, cuts had to be made and unfortunately, my second favorite jam of his was amongst them.
Hurts So Good: I already went into great detail about my love for this jam above, but literally if I was making a list of my top fifty songs of ALL time, this would most definitely be on there. I love it with every beat of my heart.
As always, THANK YOU so much for reading! Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll return soon with another all-new post, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!
Hurt so good is one of my favorites as well! Sounds like an interesting evening!
It was simply the best! We had quite the night!
John Cougar back in my day! Great guy who makes great music. Bet it was one hell of a show wish I could’ve gone.
It was the best! He sold out that night we went so a second night was added for Saturday!