Colorado 2023 Day One: Art & Accomplishment in Fort Collins

I had THE BEST weekend in Colorado celebrating my cousin, Alyssa, as she graduated from Colorado State University Fort Collins. So please, come along with me through this photographic journey of my four days out west! It may not have been the “wildest ride in the wilderness” but it was a pretty wonderful one…!

My cousin, Cole, who I last saw when vacationing at his place in New York City and my Uncle Joe, who is Cole and Alyssa’s dad.
Fort Collins, Colorado is an art town! There is art EVERYWHERE and you’ll see a great deal of that throughout this post! I love art, so I loved this aspect of the city.
I loved the “ants” on this box. Real cute.
The public restrooms were wonderful in Fort Collins. If you know me, you know how important this is to my livelihood.
Love a good burger (box).
A little psychedelic, but it very much fits the vibe.
Even the wall behind me is cute.
I love birds!
Back side of the bird box.
Again, more psychedelic art, but I was totally vibing with it.
Super similar to the last one, but totally unique unto itself!
Reminded me of Cars Land in Disney’s California Adventure Park, so obviously, I super loved this!
The photographic opportunities around town were in extreme abundance!
There was something awesome to see anywhere and everywhere one looked!
They had pianos ALL over town! Loved that.
This splash pad was cute, but anyone using it on this day would’ve ended up with hypothermia!
Originally I was just photographing the door, but I ended up LOVING that corner building!
Fort Collins was a total vibe and for that I loved it. I definitely wouldn’t want to live there, but I would for sure come back time and again to visit.
Bicyclist were everywhere and as a result, so were these signs.
My Aunt Debbie, cousin’s Alyssa and Cole, and Uncle Joe.
Alyssa celebrating herself as she should. Made me so incredibly proud and happy to be there. Alyssa and I have always been extremely close ever since I started vacationing and later moved to California. Melissa and I went and visited her in Colorado two years ago and it was a real pleasure for me to return. She really is simply the best, better than all the rest.
Alyssa and her boyfriend, Cody. Now we’ve already established I love Alyssa beyond anyone, but let me tell you what, Cody is the perfect pairing to Alyssa for he too is simply the best. I love these two more than I love any other couple ever. They’re just as adorable as can be both photogenically – I mean, look at this picture – and behaviorally. They complement one another so well you’d think they were me and Melissa! Alyssa really and truly couldn’t have found a better soulmate because Cody is extraordinary in every sense of the word. Love these two so much.
Me and my girl. I’ve always felt she does my Signature Smile second best out of everyone in this world.
This campus is beautiful. I love it.
Graduations make me really emotional and you can bet this one was no exception.
Just like Moana, no one knows, how far she’ll go!
Each college in the university had its own graduation, so dozens and dozens of small ceremonies were taking place all across the weekend. This was a real plus versus sitting through thousands of kids. Such a lowkey blessing in that sense.
We just wanted to be matchers. When I told Cody and Alyssa I’d be wearing green, they both knew which color green I meant and prepared accordingly. This is part of why I love these two so much, they’re both right there in my brain with me.
Even though some guy named Friedrich Nietzsche stole “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” from Kelly Clarkson, the saying most definitely applies to the class of 2023 as they were all freshman when the global pandemic began and lived with it throughout their entire university experience. This makes Alyssa’s accomplishment and that of all her peers all the more extraordinary. I know whatever Alyssa goes on to do, she’s going to be the best at it because she always has been and inevitably always will be.

It was a real joy to be around Joe, Debbie, Cole, Cody, and Alyssa again. I love them all so much and it was the perfect weekend celebrating Alyssa in a city and state that is absolutely breathtaking and gorgeous. So even while that altitude left my skin feeling more dry than it had ever felt before, it was worth every gallon of the water I drank and lotion I applied to be there acknowledging her academic accomplishments! Way to go, Alyssa! I’ll say it once more for ultimate impact, you really are simply the best!

Alyssa wasn’t the only cousin of mine graduating that weekend actually! I want to say a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Katelyn and Austin as well on their respective graduations! Super proud of each of them as well!

As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! Feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll return super soon with my second day of adventure, but until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More Colorado 2023 Adventures:

Hikes & Spirits


Totally 80’s Pizza

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I just LOVED all these pictures! I’m so proud of my sweet Alyssa!! Thanks for sharing Ben.

    1. She loves her Aunt Lynda! We all were wishing you were there! Only way this trip would’ve been better!

  2. Fort Collins has always been a cool town went there about 20 years ago and had a real neat time looks fun,

    1. Don’t doubt it! This was my second time there & loved it even more this time around!

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