Spotlight St. Louis: Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House

While beautiful anytime of the year, this place really comes to life in the spring and summer when the surrounding gardens are in full bloom.
There are several statues and monuments decorating the exterior gardens. Each just as fascinating as the next.
The Conservatory Garden, which is the main attraction here, is an 8,000 square foot tropical habitat for butterflies.
Butterfly preservation and protection is a main priority as you’ll instantly notice upon your entrance to the conservatory. You have to pass through a double set of chain-draped doors (not pictured) to ensure the butterflies remain inside their designated environment.
There are quite literally hundreds, if not thousands, of butterflies fluttering all around you as you wonder about.
The Conservatory Garden is 36 feet tall, so the variety of plant and tree life inside is allowed to be vast – and tall.
It was fascinating seeing the butterflies eating the various fruits set out for them.
There are plenty of benches to sit and rest. Be prepared though, if you sit for more than a minute, you’re almost guaranteed to have butterflies land on you.
There are as many as 80 butterfly species in the conservatory, which means the variety of colors you’ll see is just extraordinary.
The Conservatory hosts more than 150 different tropical plant species.
The temperature is carefully controlled and always warm. It was perfect for us on this cold February day as it feels like a tropical rainforest inside.
There’s an incredible water feature in the center of the Conservatory that I absolutely love.
Never denying myself a great photo opportunity.
The Butterfly House is a division of the Missouri Botanical Garden and accredited by the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums), making it the only dedicated insect facility in this organization.
How many butterflies can you spot?
There’s a large reflecting pond just outside the main glass facade of the Conservatory that really adds to the overall tropical ambiance of the establishment.
Their colors and patterns just fascinated me. The fact there are so many is just incredible.
I just loved this poem too.
Really and truly, anywhere you looked there were butterflies. It was just mesmerizing how many there were.
Pineapple is a fan favorite for me too.
Orange is my favorite color, so I was so happy to see so many featured it.
This sweet older man offered to take our picture and of all he took, this was the best one. It was too good not to share.
It was interesting reading and learning about the process in which they become a butterfly. This place isn’t just fascinating to look around, it can definitely be educational too!
I loved how this one looks like its wearing a mask!
The main hallway of the facility. The Conservatory Garden is on the right and along the left is a series of classrooms and other educational areas, one of which features a 17 minute film about the butterfly life-cycle. It was quite informative.
This cockroach dome was too good of a photo opportunity to pass up, despite cockroaches being some of the nastiest things on this planet.
Plenty of other insects and arachnids on display through the main thoroughfare.
It was heavily decorated for Mardi Gras when we went, which we loved.
It’s absolutely incredible to me how many different species of butterfly there are and even more incredible that so many are featured right here in our backyard!
Truly no shortage of photo opportunities around these grounds!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Looks like a real neat place. Don’t know if I would like to be sitting there with butterflies landing on me though but guess it’s neat.

    1. It’ll definitely happen if you sit long enough! They’re cute though & rarely stay long! It’s calming & nice for me.

    1. I’m always down to go! It’s the best in winter when it’s super nasty out! Brings so many good vibes!

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