
Welcome to Metropolis, Illinois: The Home of Superman!

Christopher knows how to strike a pose! I was last in Metropolis back in June of 2015 and this Super City monument was definitely not there. What a wonderful addition to Superman Plaza!
You can barely make it out, but the bench is dedicated to Martha Kent, Clark’s (a.k.a. Superman) mom.
Love that they made this look like a car from Disney/Pixar’s Cars! A forever favorite film of mine!
I’m always down for the head on the body of someone else by the way of cardboard cutout photos!
These bricks outside the Super Museum were awesome! Lots of positive sentiments shared all in the name of Superman. Made me really happy to see.
Pretending to be taking off my suit to reveal my supersuit underneath!
I knew exactly how to dress for where I was going.
Inside the Super Museum is an incredible store filled with all kinds of Superman and DC comics purchasable souvenirs! We perused forever around here looking at all the incredible items, both new and old, for sale.
This Lego creation of the Super Museum building was a real fan favorite of mine. They did an outstanding job on this recreation!
This is inside the actual Super Museum now. It featured an astounding 70,000 Superman memorabilia items from every era of the Man of Steel, going all the way back to his comic book beginning in the late 1930’s!
There was quite literally something to look at every which place there could be.
This is Doomsday, the villain who eventually kills Superman as indicated by the tombstone before him.
I wish so badly these video games were playable! I would’ve exchanged all my dollars for quarters to play them!
These wigs were actually worn by Christopher Reeves and other actors while filming the four original Superman films.
I’m honestly just a casual Superman fan, but I loved this place! I love pop culture and Superman is an icon. It was a real joy to see all this memorabilia celebrating something so many love so much.
I love a good cape and Superman definitely has one of the best.
I absolutely loved this book with the iconic “S” etched into the outer rim of the pages.
“We didn’t come all the way to Metropolis to not take pictures with all these things,” me to Christopher. With a little encouragement, he clearly understood the assignment.
A whole side room dedicated to Supergirl and all her iterations.
My brother, the Gang Mowing Fool himself, used to be OBSESSED with Smallville! His high school and college years were consumed by this show! I used to watch the first couple seasons, but then trickled off, but he stuck with it. He would’ve loved this part of the museum.
I vaguely remember Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Seeing this made me want to maybe start watching it to see if it still holds up. Who knows? Maybe I’m missing some extraordinary television drama!
More often than not, I love the villains more than the heroes, so I found myself wishing there was a bit more inclusions of Superman’s many foes, but I certainly wouldn’t call myself disappointed. This place was definitely super in its own right and rightfully so!
Honestly, the clouds were really poppin’ this day. I wish I was paying better attention because I didn’t notice how awesome they were looking till I went back and looked at my photos.
Soaring to fifteen feet in height and weighing 6,000 pounds this statue is the centerpiece of Metropolis. We sincerely had to wait our turn to get photos with it because people were constantly coming and going to get this picture.
Give me all the murals. I love art in any capacity and murals alongside buildings is a fan favorite of mine.
Downtown Metropolis even had several historical murals as well! Loved them too!
Taken just outside this awesome store a block over from the Super Museum. This store had plenty of movie memorabilia and being a pair of movie buffs, Christopher and I loved this shop. They had an extensive collection of Star Wars and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles things that we especially loved seeing.
We had lunch at this cute little Italian restaurant. It has hot out and we much appreciated the dimly lit atmosphere inside. It was cool in every sense of the word and the food was delicious!
This Kryptonite rock was outside what was once a Hollywood Museum, but the place has definitely been closed down. This was just across the street from Cordavino’s, both of which were about a block away from the Harrah’s Resort and Casino.
The Noel Neill Statue is just a few blocks down from the Super Museum on a cute little corner. Noel Neill was the first woman to play Lois Lane way back in 1948, a character she continued to play for the next decade. Lois Lane is the reporter who works alongside Clark at the Daily Planet and a love interest for Superman.
I was surprised to see a lighthouse here in Metropolis, but upon rolling up to it we learned that it is notable as being the first lighthouse dedicated to the fight against cancer. “Where there’s light, there’s hope.” I absolutely loved this, especially given the year Melissa and I’ve had.
Like I said earlier, these clouds were killin’ it that day!
I could’ve made an entire blog post dedicated to the clouds of Metropolis. This is how much I’m loving them. I also love bridges and this one looks super cute and old I feel.
Fort Massac State Park proved to be the perfect ending to our perfect day.
The George Rogers Clark statue. The plaque on his statue says he won the Illinois country for the commonwealth of Virginia and so the American union.
This part had been freshly cut, but felt underutilized, like there should be more walking paths here. Oh well, didn’t bother us any, just a thought we had.
I was wanting so badly for these buildings to be open and explorable, especially since we later learned they’re 2002 replicas of what was originally here. When we initially explored around I thought they were the real deal, so I understood why they weren’t open, but upon finding this out, I was thinking this was a missed opportunity, for everyone!
I remember walking in the creek behind my childhood home and finding an arrowhead and thinking it was the coolest discovery ever. This wall really took me back.
Forget Washington crossing the Delaware, this is Christopher crossing the Ohio… so to speak.
A model of how the previously viewed fort would’ve looked in its prime with the wooden wall around it and such. We thought this place was just great. Love me some history.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Your adventure blogs are always my favorite! Thanks for making this a SUPER read! ❤️

    1. You know it! Had to come home & head to the gym for a jacuzzi soaking session!

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