
Spotlight St. Louis: Laclede’s Landing Wax Museum

Located just a half block west from the Old Spaghetti Factory, which doubles as another favorite place of mine. The Laclede’s Landing Wax Museum is housed in an old warehouse building that’s even registered as a National Historic Landmark!
A smattering of what they feature.
The prices were exceptionally reasonable I felt. We spent about ninety minutes inside, so the $10 we each spent felt well worth it.
The lobby is quite eclectic in what wax figures are showcased, which makes sense when trying to entice people to come in. Each of the various floors above and below follow more a theme.
And to think, Erin, who’s terrified of E.T., thought this would be her scariest moment. Little did she know then…
There’s quite an assortment of past president’s throughout.
I LOVE Star Wars! After Harry Potter, it’s easily my favorite franchise of all time!
When I was taking a photo of the Star Wars wax figures, I heard Erin audibly gasp up the stairs behind me and when I walked up to join her, I saw this creepy clown hanging out in the stairwell. This photo was taken after we passed him, but it was honestly unreal how lifelike he looked.
Mark McGuire, a St. Louis sports legend, can’t have a wax figure here without featuring him.
Been to plenty of Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museums and love all of those as well!
Loved seeing Mark Twain up in here considering we’d just visited Hannibal, Missouri a few weeks earlier!
We found plenty of fun photo opportunities with the way the path circumferences the glassed in figures.
More presidents.
Plenty of corridors were dimly lit, which we didn’t mind, but I could see how small children and those afraid of the dark would.
There was a large section of Biblical figures and scenes.
Loved see The Man of Steel in here amongst a multitude of other Superheroes and Villains, especially considering I just visited Metropolis, Illinois earlier this summer!
There were lots of steps in this place. I mean, it’s five floors, so plenty of ups and downs were to be had.
I obviously don’t see them often, but I love me a good scarecrow.
The gore was quite substantial in the horror parts.
This guy gave me the creeps. There was another figure just outside the restroom that reminded me of this one, but it was so dark, my photo didn’t really capture him like I wanted.
In the floors above the majority of the wax figures were behind glass, but downstairs, plenty were out, about, and uncaged.
Plenty of opportunities to create your own horror shots.
Some of these were quite inventive. I found myself being increasingly impressed.
The figure in the doorway really amplifies the photo for me.
Giving me some serious “Green Inferno” vibes. A horror film directed by Eli Roth that I love.
The Man in the Mirror behind me reminded me of “The Master” from the first season of “Buffy The Vampire Slayer.”
There were plenty of clowns down here.
I love how the one figure is behind the window. I just found this place and some of their placements to be super inventive and resourceful.
Jack Nicholson’s Joker will always be the best Joker. I said what I said.
A couple months ago when dining at the Old Spaghetti Factory, my friend, Megan, gasped and pointed at the roof. We both looked on in horror at the silhouetted figure standing atop it. It was dark out, so we couldn’t make out that it was Spider-man, but for a split second in time, he scared us to death! We made the connection he was a wax figure, but it took a couple seconds to arrive at that point.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I’ve never known about this place! Looks great! We’ll have to go one of these visits of mine back to St. Louis!

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