After a couple months of yearning to go, I finally visited the Museum of Illusions at the City Foundry in midtown St. Louis. As you’ll soon see from the thirty plus photos I included below, my friend, Mohammad, and I had THE BEST time! This place is a celebration of the unordinary and original where nothing you see is as it seems!
The Museum of Illusions St. Louis is actually a global chain with over forty locations throughout some twenty-five countries across four continents! WOW! Incredibly enough, here in the United States, we have a location where as cities like San Diego and Boston don’t just yet! This further reinforces my point of view that St. Louis has one of the strongest lineups of museums of anywhere in the country. We truly are blessed by all we have here in our great city and the Museum of Illusions strengthens that already strong roster.
The exterior of the Museum of Illusions, which is located at the City Foundry on the ground level, just across from the Alamo Drafthouse Movie Theater.
From the minute we stepped inside we knew this was going to be an amazing experience! Kenzie behind the front desk (as pictured above) and Jacob (who basically became our personal tour guide since we were the only ones in there) were both extraordinary! Their hospitality was second to none and while I’m certain we would’ve had the best time regardless, they really amplified the experience!
Anywhere there’s a mirror you know I’m utilizing it for a photo opportunity! Thankful that my good friend here, Mohammad, is such a good sport, and handsome model I might add! Also, it should be noted, the baseball player behind him had these wild eyes that followed you wherever you went. It was the first illusion and one that we both immediately loved.
This one was called, “Pin Art.” You simply leaned into the exhibit any which way you wanted and the pins pushed through creating the image on the other side. I remember I used to have a block toy of this when I was young that I used to love. This was Mohammad’s pin art.
I was lowkey so excited that this image was of Mark Twain given the fact that just a month ago I went to his hometown of Hannibal, Missouri! It felt like a small, but full circle moment for me. The otherside of these beams showcased another iconic historical figure, but you’ll have to come visit to see who that is…
This was the “Ames Room.” Obviously Mohammad isn’t a dwarf and I’m not a giant, but the illusion is dependent upon where one stands. Melissa and I have a similar photo from our time on the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Los Angeles and that experience gave us one of my favorite photos ever of the two of us. The “Ames Room” was top notch in my book and just one of a dozen plus places in this museum where you could create some of the best pictures!
This place utilized their space so very well! The museum itself isn’t huge by any means, but as you scroll through this blog, you’d be led to believe otherwise… which I suppose is an illusion in and of itself!
Mohammad is staring at the “Ambiguous Arrow,” which pointed in the same direction despite its constant rotation. It was wild, but the mirror here is was solidified the photo opportunity for me!
“You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a Smooth Criminal.” Trying to give it my best Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal lean in the “Tilted Room.”
So, Melissa and I have been rewatching all the Star Wars movies and just finished Episode IV: A New Hope the other night, which is the 1977 original. Tell me this doesn’t look like Luke Skywalker’s navigating computer when he’s flying his X-Wing in the Deathstar’s trenches trying to destroy the Empire’s super weapon. First thing I thought of and felt so excited seeing. I really should write a blog about my love for Star Wars as this is now a lifelong love of mine.
This one was wild! It was called the “Beuchet Chair” and it made the illusion that the person sitting in the chair is infinitely smaller because of the size of the objects around them. I was shook because literally we’re both pretty much right next to one another. In order to optimize our photo, I decided to jump, so yes, I really am in the air, that isn’t an illusion. I figured it’d be much cuter than just standing there. I think I was right.
This one was called the “Clone Room.” It reminded me of the kaleidoscope and I loved that. This place had a few of those type of showcases, but each one was unique unto itself. Plus, give me all the photo opportunities I can get please and thank you!
Definitely my favorite shot of the night! This is supposed to be the interior of the Saint Louis City Hall building downtown. Thank goodness Mohammad is strong enough to swing me to safety!
This is photo one of the “Swap Bodies Corridor.” They had well placed mirrors that ensured the illusion was showcased as you see above and below.
This was one of them damn tunnels where the bridge is stable and you walk across it but the room is in a constantly spinning cylinder. I hate these. They exist in every carnival funhouse in America, but there they’re like four feet long, this one felt like forty! I legit felt like I was going to puke after this, BUT that is mostly due to me spending way too much time in here. WHICH I understand makes no sense since I hate them, but I was really trying my best to get the best pictures. I didn’t puke or get sick, so ultimately, worth it.
This was a shadow projecting room that simply just projected your shadow up on the wall. We realized it works better when you stand a little ways away from the wall versus right up on it.
They called this the “Infinity Portal.” It shows you the effects of infinite depths, which in retrospect I feel like a lot of what we saw did.
The “Cloning Table” was an awesome illusion as it partners with the mirrors to make it appear you’re playing a card game with yourself.
This one was called, “Head On The Platter,” which I’m sure is easy enough to understand.
The “Symmetry Room” provides one with the unique opportunity to showcase oneself through symmetrical reflection.
Our “Reversed Room” photo! Another favorite of mine! We were running out of time at the end as they were about to close, but we were told you can even climb up and get underneath the table! There’s so many wonderful photo opportunities with this one! Can’t wait to return to explore even more!
Of course there’s a shop at the end that’s filled with all kinds of wonderful illusioned items! We unfortunately didn’t have a lot of time to look in here, but I could tell there were plenty of interesting gadgets and things that I could see myself getting!
The Museum of Illusions St. Louis is located at 3730 Foundry Way Suite 168, St. Louis, MO 63110. They’re open seven days a week with hours of 10:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursdays then 10:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
Ticket prices vary with Adults (ages 13+) being $26. Military (which requires ID) at $24. Seniors (ages 60+, ID also required) also being $24. Children (ages 5-12) are just $22. Any children under 5 are free as well as all Teachers/Educators (valid school ID needed)!
We got there at like 8:45 p.m. on a Friday night and closed the place down (10:00 p.m.) and because of how much fun we were having experiencing all the illusions, we had to rush through the last half dozen or so experiences! So, depending on the size of your group, you could EASILY spend a couple of hours in here, so do plan accordingly!
I think I’ve made it quite clear by this point that I absolutely LOVED the Museum of Illusions St. Louis! It was a solid 10/10 for me and a place I would Highly Recommend! I have no doubt that I will return to visit time and time again because it was such a thrilling and unique experience for both Mohammad and myself! Expectations exceeded for sure! So the next time you’re looking for something unique, educational, and entertaining to do, look no further than the Museum of Illusions St. Louis! You’ll be so very glad you visited!
As always, THANK YOU all so much for viewing! Please feel free to leave a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll return soon with another all new post, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!
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Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney
What a fun post! The kaleidoscope pic is fantastic and I think I could use that pin art device for hours! I need to go there. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, thank you! We had THE BEST time! You should see if there’s on in NYC & go! It was amazing!
Wo! Looks sure like a near place you could have a lot of fun at!
Yes! We had THE BEST time! Can’t wait to go back!
This place just looks crazy! I was shocked to read that St. Louis got one of these museums before San Diego or Boston! Wow!
Like I said, St. Louis is a museum town! We have so much to see & do here!
Oh, wow! This place looks super neat! I’d love to go here sometime!
It was wild! You would absolutely love it!