Spotlight St. Louis: Light Cycles: An Immersive Night Walk In Saint Louis

As you can see from the map, there is quite a bit of walking. These installations weren’t right on top of one another. In fact, some were quite a ways away, so don’t go without proper footwear! Honestly though, this made the experience more enjoyable for me because it allows you to connect with nature better and builds anticipation as you progress towards the next exhibit. We could hear the hooting of owls and such while we walked and I just loved that aspect.
“Stay as long as you want, and take your time to explore.” Is what this sign encourages and that we did.
There were restrooms at the entrance/exit of Light Cycles as well as a place to buy snacks and beverages and even merchandise. There were several heat lamps in this barn, so that was a nice touch. Mind you, none of this is picture in this photo of this pathway.
The first exhibit was maybe my favorite, but the last one hit pretty hard too. I don’t know…
These lighting effects really wowed me. The harmonious music playing throughout really reminded me of my FLOATS and I loved that so much. It brought me to a place of peace and serenity.
Maybe because this was the first installation, but it was the only one where I felt we really had anyone else around us.
Which thankfully there was! We took the photos of the cute, young couple in front of us while they did the same for us. A win-win for us all!
Got to get those different poses in. I wish I would’ve thought of it, but taking this picture from a lower angle would probably aligned the “sunset” perfectly behind us and with a look of being on ground level, but you live and learn. Next time perhaps…
The time stamp indicates how long this show lasts, so in the case of “Invisible,” 5 minutes and 32 seconds. We always walked up when it was running course, so we would stand and wait for it to start over so we got the full perspective.
The lighting effects here were top notch as the lights danced up and down these poles and trees in a most beautiful and serene way.
We did one of our famous Spinning Snaps in here, but dumb me didn’t save it.
You can’t truly tell from this photo, but you kind of stood in the middle of this one while it expanded all around you. Definitely different from the rest, but every bit as wondrous.
These stumps behind me were benches. They had them all over at every single installation, so there was always a place to rest if need be.
I found this one to be the most peaceful and relaxing of the bunch. If it were warmer and there was a makeshift cot or something, I could’ve taken a nap!
The lighting effects on this particular trail really amplified the anticipation of reaching Crystal Grove. They really didn’t skimp on the lighting anywhere, which makes sense for an art exhibit called Light Cycles.
A glimpse of Crystal Grove as we had progressed beyond it and onto the final stop.
The sky lit up from this one and you could see it from any which place in the area, so I was excited to see just all that it encompassed and it most certainly didn’t disappoint.
As you might suspect it would, the music was far more intense here, but not in a menacing way, but a victorious one. This hearth reminded me of a heart. Loved it.
Like I said, those sky lights were visible from everywhere. We could see them when we got off the interstate and made our way in Light Cycles direction. Reminded me of the Bat Signal in a sense.
So this was weird. Clearly there is some sort of precipitation in this photo, but neither myself nor Melissa felt anything on us. In fact, the image was our only indication there was anything there because we certainly couldn’t see anything either. Not sure if this was light rain that we somehow just didn’t feel or if this was part of the Hearth exhibition. Quite interesting I felt.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney

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