Most all of us know December 17th to be the day Céline Dion married her late husband René Angélil, but another noteworthy event happened on this day, my beautiful wife was born.
This year she celebrates 34 years of life and to commemorate this momentous occasion, I’m going to share some of my favorite pictures of her. Consider this the ultimate Woman Crush Wednesday post if you will.
Initially, I selected thirty four of my favorite candid photos of her, but then realized that maybe that was a little – NO, IT WAS A LOT! Only a fool would exhaust his entire arsenal at once! So instead I opted to trim it down to fifteen. Why fifteen? Well, I wanted to do seventeen (Melissa’s favorite number), but was running into some serious issues with two of the pictures I originally selected, so to ensure I could post this tonight, they got cut! Now fifteen it is!
So, as Céline would say, “shall we go for it!?!”

So there you all have it! Hope you enjoyed these adorable photos of my beautiful wife! She really is the photographic gift that keeps giving! I want to thank each and every single one of you who has sent me a candid shot of her over the years! My Woman Crush Wednesday’s would be incomplete without you! Y’all are THE BEST!
As always, please feel free to leave me a comment below, otherwise I shall see you all again soon! Until then I hope everyone is having THE BEST holiday season EVER! DON’T FORGET to P.A.M. it up through New Year’s Day! I’d hate for anyone to miss out on a truly prime P.A.M. season!
The viewers are the real victims here 🤣😂 #oof
No one can look so differently from one picture to the next! This was a journey for the readers! For me it just drove me further down the Freeway of Love!
You are so lucky she loves you – happy happy birthday again cute girl!
That I am! 😊