It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and I’m certain this post exemplifies just that. What you’re about to see is a beautiful collection of doppelgänger-like photos showcasing just how much Melissa and I can look similar to various figures in pop culture. Honestly, the resemblance is uncanny in some of these, so do enjoy!

Melissa swears she has two other doppelgänger style photos in her repertoire, but was unable to unearth them in time for publication. No need to worry though, once found, we’ll be sure to share them with you all in a future post! I unfortunately haven’t seen them yet, but based off who she says she resembles, I know they’re going to be amazing!
Hopefully this post put a smile on your face! Feel free to drop a comment below if you enjoyed what you saw or you think there’s anyone either of us looks like that we should try and emulate next! As always, THANK YOU for reading! I’ll return next week with another new post, so until then, have THE BEST week ever!
OMG! 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Glad you enjoyed it! 😂 It was a real treat putting them all together!
I am absolutely speechless! You guys are hilarious! The Real Slim Shady has me laughing so hard but your Britney album cover is the absolute showstopper!
Showstopper!?! WOW! That means a lot! THANK YOU! You know we do what we can to entertain! 😂😂😂
I need to publish a book of selfies. Talk about an interesting read 🤣🤣🤣
The number of doppelgänger’s you have is truly remarkable. We could have volumes of these books as though they were a set of encyclopedias! 😂
Haha! Quite the collection you got here! I think Britney would be proud!
I sure hope so! The LAST thing I would want to do is disappoint her!