“Trapped In A Loveless Marriage”

Had the best time at our 50’s themed store breakfast “shitshow.”

The story I’m about to share with you is certainly not for the faint of heart. If you’re neither sitting or lying down at this moment, now would truly be a good time for you to do so. For what you’re about to read will likely send you into a tailspin of awe and anger and I would hate for my blog to be the reason for your possible concussion. With this entry I scoured the deepest and darkest corners of my mind and while the memory sickens my heart, I feel it’s an important one to share.

In the nearly five years I worked with Macy’s Department Stores I met some of the most phenomenal people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. Some of my greatest friendships are a direct result of my time with that company and for that reason, I’ll forever be thankful to the opportunities Macy’s gave me across this country. With that being said though, I also met one of the most diabolical people I’ve ever known and because of her heinous words, I found myself incapable of continuing to work there alongside her, regardless of how much I enjoyed all the other aspects.

The first of a handful of times my Men’s Team and I were the store Team of the Month!

I’m going to spare you the full details, but just know that I was good at that job. Outstanding, in fact, according to my Sales Manager Scorecard and annual review. As a Sales Manager, I ranked #1 in both my California stores and coincidentally second in both my California districts. I was blessed with two phenomenal teams, which carried me to the top of those charts, those amazing people always made the job worthwhile. Unfortunately for me though, my Store Manager at my third and final store (second Californian one) was a monster in every sense of the word. The pictures in this post are from her store and feature many of the people I loved dearly – don’t be lookin’ for her though, she most definitely didn’t make the cut.

This particular Macy’s was in Escondido, California. I lived in the city of Temecula, California the entire three plus years I was out there. Well, when a Sales Manager position opened up at the Temecula store, I approached my Store Manager about transferring to that location as it was less than ten minutes down the road from me versus the forty-five plus minutes I was driving at the time to reach Escondido. I went in with the expectation that because of my top notch scorecard and results, she would work with me to make this transfer happen, but alas, I should’ve known better.

It didn’t take her long in our closed door session to shoot down any hopes I had of transferring. She told me some big changes were on the horizon at the store and she would need an experienced leader like myself to remain in the building through the upcoming transitional phase. While her response irritated me, it would soon pale in comparison to the treachery she was about to bombard me with. Seemingly out of nowhere, she changed the topic of conversation to one that’s typically my absolute favorites: Céline Dion, but I should have known this topic was laced with an ulterior motive.

These people and this time in my life (minus this terrible story) still make me smile.

As we were discussing Queen Céline and how she is the undisputable greatest singer in the world, my Store Manager said something so heinous, so twisted, so devious, so aggressive, so terrible, SO EVIL that such an abomination should NEVER be able to escape one’s mouth, much less enter that individual’s mind, but there I was having to hear such blatant blasphemy.

She said to me – literally out of nowhere – there was no time to transition topics or prepare myself for what I was about to hear. Without warning she said the single most awful thing anyone has EVER said to me in all my life:

“I hate to say it, but Céline Dion is trapped in a loveless marriage.”

She didn’t hate to say shit and all I remember thinking in that moment was, what the fuck this bitch just say to me!?! I could feel the rage and anger of a thousand suns boiling inside me. I wanted so badly to HULK out and send her ugly ass all-glass desk flying across her office in an epic HULK SMASH moment. I mean, how could anyone say something so horrible!?! What kind of terrible life was she living that this sort of thing was even floating around in her mind!?! I knew that if I gave in to my impulses I would be leaving the store that day in handcuffs, so I remained cool, calm, and collected while taking several quick deep breaths before delivering my response.

“I think you’re dead wrong.”

My dear friend, Edward, and I. I still have this smiley face pillow he gave me!

She looked surprised by my firm disagreement, but she shouldn’t have been. Céline and René had the kind of love that every couple on this planet we call Earth should strive for! Yes, they met when Céline was thirteen, but there has never been any indication that they did not love one another immensely and because of the love they had for each other, the entire world became a better place.

Céline Dion sings and performs in the universal language of love, which is why she is the world’s best-selling female artist of all time! Everyone knows love in some form or another (everyone except obviously my then terrible Store Manager), Céline’s music is so universally adored because everyone can understand what she sings of.

René is the reason for Céline’s music reaching the world’s ears. Together the two of them have more or less brought about world peace, but because of people like my old Store Manager, that world peace isn’t allowed to shine quite as brightly as it should.

I shared this tirade of facts with my Store Manager and she just repeated the same hellish line she did earlier about Céline being trapped in a loveless marriage. I can assure you, hearing it a second time was no easier than the first. I knew then that if I didn’t cut the meeting short, the end result was going to be less than desirable, so I quickly maneuvered for an abrupt conclusion.

After leaving her office, I had to leave the store all together for a quick bit and went out into the mall to get some Starbucks. On my way there I called Melissa to tell her about the terrorist attack that had just happened on my ears and brain. I couldn’t see her, but I knew she was foaming at the mouth with that same level of rage and anger I was still very much feeling.


Melissa was every bit as livid as she should’ve been. We’ve both been fans of Céline’s for as long as we can remember and we loved the relationship Céline and René had. Prior to that day, I thought the entire world marveled at the strength of their love, so it was quite the shock to me to learn otherwise.

Where’s Waldo?

Not being allowed to transfer would probably not have been enough to make me leave Macy’s, but finally realizing that I was working for someone who was inherently evil and suffering from some severe mental defects most certainly was. I decided that very afternoon that I could no longer continue subjecting myself to such deplorable working conditions. She and I already didn’t get along and we always wore our fake faces around one another, but she really didn’t get along with anyone. We all secretly hated her, just some of us were better at keeping our secrets than others. Her blasphemy was the motivation I needed to truly better myself, but I couldn’t let it end with her words.

I realized I needed to harness the rage and anger I felt at that very moment in her office following her putrid remark and turn it into something productive, so I could truly reward myself with a better work environment. I had to find a new career and in order to ensure I did, I turned to the art form that Céline personifies: music.

I went home that night and instantly created a playlist of songs that would strengthen my resolve and force me to do what was right for me. I will never, ever forget that evening for immediately after adding the playlist to my iPod, I threw on my gym clothes and set off for LA Fitness. I ran for the entire duration of the album, which is nearly 80 minutes! I had a lot of stress to shed away and running nonstop to those jams helped me do just that. Luckily for you all, I still have this playlist in my arsenal and am thrilled to be able to share my musical motivation!

Bad Blood – Ryan Adams

You Give Love A Bad Name – Bon Jovi

They Don’t Care About Us – Michael Jackson

Uprising – Muse

Fighter – Christina Aguilera

Takin’ Back My Love – Enrique Iglesias & Ciara

Lose To Win – Fantasia

High By The Beach – Lana Del Rey

Human Nature – Madonna

Happy – Leona Lewis

Let It Go – Idina Menzel

In The Air Tonight – Phil Collins

On The Rocks – Nicole Scherzinger

Goodbye To You – Scandal

Go Your Own Way – Fleetwood Mac

Bye Bye Bye – *NSYNC

Yesterday – Toni Braxton

Stronger – Britney Spears

Survivor – Destiny’s Child

Bad Blood – Taylor Swift & Kendrick Lamar

Our team holiday dinner. What a wonderful night.

You’ll notice Céline is absent from the tracklist, but she doesn’t sing about kicking someone’s ass, so I decided to leave her out of this. Those twenty songs were quite literally all I listened to for about a month and a half. Although I was eager to find something new, I never allowed myself to become desperate. I interviewed with a multitude of other companies and turned down a handful of offers before accepting an entry level management position with Enterprise Rent-A-Car. I also finally got my transfer so to speak. There were three Enterprise locations within ten minutes of my home in Temecula and I ended up working at two of them.

Thankfully, I got exactly what I was wanting out of that whole ordeal and my monstrous Store Manager got exactly what she deserved. If you recall, she prohibited me from transferring because the store would soon be entering a what she described as a transitional phase, well, she certainly wasn’t wrong about that.

In the same week I left, two of my peers did as well. Ironically, one of them was transferring to another local Macy’s that was CLOSER TO HER HOME (she was ALWAYS the Store Manager’s pet) and the other was moving away and resigning her post. By the end of that week, the store Sales Manager staff was halved and I take great pleasure in the knowledge that the immediate time following was a period of high stress for my blasphemous old foe.

Well, as always, THANK YOU so very much for reading! I hope this nightmarish read didn’t cause you nearly as much stress and pain as it did me. PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below! You know I LOVE reading and replying to those! I’ll be back next week with a special birthday post for a good friend of mine, but until then, I hope each and every one of you has THE BEST week ever!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


    1. Thank you so much! Insane how long ago this was for us! Seems like ages ago, but it was just over four years!

  1. Of course some of the rudest people will always say what they think is the “truth” especially under the guise of “just being honest.”

    1. This is unbelievably true! She was insane! I still cannot wrap my mind around her words & I’ve relived them in my head a hundred times this week! So much hatred in one sentence.

  2. With you two not liking each other I’m sure she said that just to ruffle your feathers. Sounds like a most unpleasant person to me. Celine dion really is a wonderful singer and its sad her husband died. Glad she has kept performing. Would love to see her one day.

    1. Oh, she definitely said it to make me angry & she delivered a direct hit too! I was pissed! Poor Céline! She doesn’t deserve such terrible comments being made about her! Hopefully you’ll get to see her live one day! She really does put on what many describe as THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!

  3. I stand by what I said. She’s lucky I was too poor to fly out there or that Macy’s would have needed a new manager. I’m *STILL* angry about that atrocity she called a statement!!! “I hate saying this” BULLSHIT. There are some things that are sacred. Cèline and Rene’s marriage is one of them!!!!!

    1. YES TO ALL OF THIS! Their marriage is sacred & she’s just bitter because she’ll NEVER achieve even a millionth of that love! Poor Céline, I hope she never hears this dreadful comment, it would break my heart.

  4. Good bye to you! Good bye to you! After reading this post that song just resonated in my mind for close to an hour. It could not be more fitting!
    There is so much that can be said, however I will sum it up with one phrase-
    It was a shit show!

    1. 😂😂😂 YES! It truly was! I knew you’d love my caption for that first image there! I will NEVER forget that awesome morning & her uncalled for critique of that breakfast! That song such a jam! It definitely powered me through in those final days under her tyrannical rule! Glad we suffered together & both escaped to greener pastures!

  5. Killer soundtrack! Don’t know all them songs, but love the ones I do! I’ll have to get the others a listen! Definitely can see why you made it.

    1. Thank you & yes! All these songs are JAMS! If you love the ones you do know then I promise you also love the ones you currently don’t!

  6. You had everyone reading this thinking they were getting some juicy gossip & instead they just got a story about Céline Dion! Oh, Benjamin. What am I going to do with you?

  7. I recalled that day when she was looking for you—and you came to the young men’s department to say goodbye to me. She looked very serious and unfriendly—where I felt uncomfortable the way she looked at me.

    1. My last day there, yes! She was looking for me because she wanted me to write up a couple people on our team before I left – for good! No way was I doing that! I didn’t think they should be put on corrective action & it was my last day with the company. I wasn’t going to do her evil biding. She was such a tyrant.

  8. Wow, she sounds like a bitter and miserable human. I’m so sorry you had to sit through that awful situation. So glad you got away from that witch. Side note, the picture with your team with the red background is one of the only pictures of you I have seen where you don’t have the full signature smile 🙂

    1. We were all caught in a laugh! It broke my signature smile! 😂 Totally worth it though! & yes, she was THE WORST! I don’t miss her at all! A complete tyrant!

  9. Just finished reading your blog Ben! Yes! Working under her tyrannical rein was a thankless experience. I do remember how bummed I was that you were leaving because I truly enjoyed working with you. Hahahaha….i still remember when you got the Enterprise job and she purposely demeaned and snuffed out the thrill of tendering your resignation……by snidely informing you that you were trading in a job with high potential for a demeaning position washing cars . ‘Nuff said!…..

    1. YES! I remember that too! Joke was on her though because I LOVED taking those cars through the car wash tunnels! 😂😂😂 She was a miserable person who tried her best to infect everyone around her with the same misery. We had a great team, so it definitely hurt to leave, but I was thrilled to be rid of her tyranny.

  10. Should’ve known better, but you had me thinking this was going to be something much different. 🤦‍♀️😂

  11. This blog was funny as hell!! I love your writings…I guess it’s because I can literally hear you in it!!🤣🤣
    Melissa though🤣🤣🤣🤣!!
    I love you guys!!
    Happiest New Year!!

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH! We have a shared emotion here because I can hear you saying your reply! This makes me laugh & I love it! Happy New Year to you too! Hope it’s simply the best for us all!

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