
Let’s Talk About Love

Jump for our love!

By no means am I anti-Valentine’s Day, but being perfectly honest, I just don’t care about it. Yes, I did use a Valentine’s Day palette of colors on my relaunched page, but for the most part, it’s another “who cares?” holiday for me. With that being said though, I think it’s important to note that anyone who knows me knows that I love to love.

I’m always throwing that word around: “I love Britney Spears!” “I love Céline Dion!” “I love McDonald’s!” You get the point, I love a lot of wonderful people and places, but my point is, I don’t need a singular day to celebrate love when I’m already celebrating it all day everyday!

Despite my apathy, there are things that I truly do love about Valentine’s Day. The best example being the heart shaped grape and strawberry artificially flavored Sweetarts Gummies they release every year. I used to eat them babies by the bag full. Gimme, Gimme More! Sadly though, this year they’re nowhere to be found! I’ve searched in several stores and have left empty-handed each time! This is a true life tragedy, but perhaps ultimately for the best. After booking our Hawaiian vacation for the end of March, I’ve really been trying to cut back on all my unnecessary sugar intake. The time for me to get my beach body is NOW!

Obviously yes, let’s do it, let’s talk about love, but first, given everything going on in our world right now, I thought it was time to reflect once again on THE BEST Valentine’s Day Melissa and I EVER had…!

On February 14, 2016, because of the awe-inducing, handwritten letter that Britney Spears herself wrote me, Melissa and I got to attend Britney’s Piece of Me residency show in Las Vegas! TALK ABOUT LOVE! Britney Spears is THE BEST! We were seated in the center of the theater in dangerous proximity to the pit area, so needless to say, the stage wasn’t all that far away! It was a real dream come true! Getting the opportunity to share this incredible Valentine’s Day experience with the one person I love most in this entire world and Melissa was the ultimate holiday. Never in my wildest dreams could I of imagined living a better Valentine’s Day!

THE BEST thing I own!

Now obviously I could write pages upon pages about how much I love Britney, but I’m going to refrain. This is me exercising a lot of willpower for you all. It should go without saying that I have countless loving memories that have been made around her music as she has quite often been the soundtrack to my life. So rather than rambling on about my love for Britney, I’d like to take this time to share with you all some of the things I’m loving here in 2021!

I SUPER love Smoothie King! It was a late 2019 discovery for me compliments of my former co-worker and friend, Romell (who just celebrated his 21st birthday – HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROMELL!), but let me tell you all what, this Smoothie King love has escalated! I used to go sparingly, but now that I’m more into my fitness, Smoothie King has basically become a three day a week treat for me! You can bet that I NEVER miss a $5 Friday! On Friday’s you get a 32 ounce smoothie for just $5! That’s at least 50% savings! TALK ABOUT LOVE!

Thanks Romell for introducing me to Smoothie King! You’re THE BEST!

I love that I have greatly accelerated my fitness routine! I’ve always gone to the gym, but with my Healthy Wage bet running through April 11, where I must meet my goal weight of 160 in order to win the money I’ve bet on myself, I’ve really been stepping it up! THEN like I mentioned earlier, my late March trip to Hawaii has really helped energize me to workout more and continue eating right. I keep exploring new machines and routines that I’d never done before and each time my muscles ache the next couple days I know that I’m doing my body right! TALK ABOUT LOVE!


I love – and I do mean – LOVE that Delilah’s radio show is back on in St. Louis! My college years were spent many a night driving around aimlessly with Melissa listening to Delilah on KEZK 102.5 and when they foolishly removed her show from the air here, we were devastated! Now that she’s back though, we’ve been basking in the glow of love as many nights between 7:00 p.m. and midnight as we can. She plays THE BEST music, she gives THE BEST advice, and all in all, she has THE BEST radio show! I cannot even tell you how many times we’ve laughed and cried along with the people calling into her show. We always find time to slow down and love someone with Delilah and I hope you start tuning in too if you haven’t been already! With Delilah, all you’ll talk about is love!

My last true love of 2021 is how the entire world is FINALLY falling in love with Britney Spears! Thanks to the Hulu/FX The New York Times Presents Framing Britney Spears documentary, I’ve seen an outpouring of support for Britney like never before. I’ve always known her to be a humble, kind, and loving person. This is an individual who took the time to write me and who knows how many other fans (I know of at least a dozen or so) a letter at one of the many peaks of her career! Getting the two complimentary tickets to her show was incredible, but having the inspiring letter to look at and hold on to is unlike any other feeling in the world. Britney is the best and I couldn’t love it more that the rest of the world is finally seeing her as I always have!

Well, as always, THANK YOU so much for reading! I LOVE your continued support of my work and would LOVE to know what you LOVE, so please, leave a comment below! You already know I LOVE reading and responding to them! You’re simply the best!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


        1. Now you’re talkin’ my language! 😊 LOVE those words & SUPER LOVE that song! Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well! Hope you spend it doing something you love! 😍

    1. Thank you so much, Edward! To you as well! I love that you’ll soon be living somewhere you’ll inevitably love much more than before! 😍

  1. Ah! I forgot about the Sweet Tart gummies! I freaking love those things! I would eat them until I had stomach pain.

    1. SAME!!! I wanted some so badly this year! I hate that I wasn’t able to find any! They’re the best!

  2. I love your take on Valentine’s Day and love in general! Everyone thinks it’s 1 day a year to snow your love for only a significant other but I agree… you should show your love for everyone and everything you love daily! Also, I will never forget that letter from Britney! That was AMAZING!

    1. Yes! Love should always be celebrated! Britney’s letter is the crowning achievement of my life!

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