I Seriously Need To Get Lasik Eye Surgery

My face after realizing the mistake I made.

Melissa and I went and had a lovely lunch at my in-law’s on Valentine’s Day. After a few hours of great food and even greater company, I left to go spend two and a half hours working out at my gym. Remember, our Hawaiian vacation is FAST approaching and I have to do everything I can to ensure I have my best beachbody for that trip!

I always begin my workouts with a hour long jacuzzi session. It just relaxes me and puts me in the right frame of mind to do everything else. Which typically consists of swimming, saunaing, lifting, running, and if I’m feeling adventurous, jump-roping. Well, as I was sitting there in the jacuzzi enjoying my Smoothie King 32 ounce Banana Passionfruit Metabolism Boost smoothie, the man who had been swimming laps in the pool came over and stood near the jacuzzi and started casually talking to me.

Now do keep in mind I CANNOT SEE AT ALL without my contacts in or my glasses on, of which I had neither, so my eyes were useless at this time. I could see that someone was standing there to my left, but I couldn’t tell who he was to save my life, so I had to rely on vocal recognition. As this guy started talking to me I could make out that he had dark hair and his voice was kind of deep and gravely, so I instantly recognized him to be my brother-in-law, Bryan.

“It feels great in there doesn’t it,” Bryan remarked to me about the jacuzzi.

“Oh, hey! No way! I didn’t know you go here! How’s it going?” I replied enthusiastically once I realized it was Bryan talking to me.

“Going great, how about you?” He replied happily.

“I’m doing really well! And you’re right! This jacuzzi definitely always feels great!” I responded before adding all excitedly, “actually, Melissa and I just got done having lunch at your parent’s house! We had a really wonderful time.”

“Really? Huh? Wow. That’s… that’s crazy,” Bryan replied before adding, “well, I gotta run.”

“Okay, see you around!” I said as I turned to resume my relaxing cuzzi session.


Fortunately for me, my in-law’s live less than five minutes from my work, so on my lunch hour, I went down to their house where all the family had assembled to celebrate my mother-in-law Jane’s birthday.

As the last to arrive, I took the remaining spot at the table, which just so happened to be across from Bryan, so immediately I asked him all enthusiastically, “how long have you been swimming laps at my gym?”

He just stared back at me blankly, but my question and his silence had caught the attention of everyone else around the table.

“I don’t go to the gym,” he responded in a highly confused tone before tossing out, “and I definitely don’t swim laps.”

A smile curled across my face. Oh my goodness, I thought to myself, I seriously need to get Lasik Eye Surgery. I just started laughing right there in front of everyone with no immediate explanation.

The eight of them all sat there staring back at me and I watched as smiles started sprouting up on each of their faces as I just laughed. They had all joined Bryan in the state of confusion I had created by my now seemingly bizarre question.

I quickly blurted out the story I just shared above and they all began laughing right along with me. Everyone was quick to remark just how awkward my next encounter will be with this individual after having told him – a complete stranger – that I WAS JUST AT HIS PARENT’S HOUSE. FOR LUNCH. ON VALENTINE’S DAY.

In retrospect, it’s no wonder he abruptly walked away from me after I told him that! He probably didn’t have a clue what to say and left thinking I was a real Stranger Danger! I imagine now that he was just some random guy being nice and remarking about how perfectly wonderful the jacuzzi is. People say randomly nice things to me all the time, but luckily for me and them, I usually don’t make it this awkward!

I couldn’t quit laughing, but the reality of the situation is, I don’t have a clue who this person even is because I couldn’t see them for anything! All I know is that he has dark hair, which really doesn’t narrow it down much. So the true awkwardness will lie with him because I’m still totally and completely oblivious as to who I was even talking to! What a mess.

This laugh gave me an instant flashback to my experience in Welcome To The Neighborhood. Oh my goodness, I’m telling you all what, I really and truly need to start thinking about Lasik Eye Surgery because these lil’ moments seem to be happening now about every six months and I just make each one more bizarre than the last!

Needless to say, should I end up speaking to this Definitely-NOT-Bryan individual at the gym again, you can bet I’ll be remarking how I mistook him for my brother-in-law! Until then though, the awkwardness of me having told a complete stranger I was at his parent’s house for lunch on Valentine’s Day still looms large. Lord, help me.

Before ending this, I have a trio of birthday shoutouts I’d like to share with you all!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL MOTHER-IN-LAW, JANE! She celebrates another year of life on February 23! She’s truly one of the world’s nicest and most caring people and I just love her to death! She’s simply the best!

Me and Jane!

Another birthday shoutout goes to my dad who had his on February 18! My brother and I went up to my parent’s house that evening and had a really enjoyable time just the four of us. It was truly lovely, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!

My brother took this Snapchat of me and my dad using our “technology.”

ALSO – my beloved triplets, Garrett, Gabby, and Logan celebrated their birthday on February 21! They turned 18! I can’t even believe it! I have a special post planned to celebrate their birthday, so be on the lookout for that!

As always, THANK YOU so much for reading! PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below! I LOVE reading and responding to all of them! I’ll be back soon with another all-new post, so until then, I hope you have THE BEST week ever!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Oh my goodness I laughed so hard that I was screaming! Screaming like I did over the “turkey pin”! I can only imagine what that poor guy thought when you said you had just been over to his parents house! I can’t stop laughing! So glad you shared this hilarious story!

    1. I laughed so many times while at the gym today & just kept looking around wondering if he was there! He’ll probably never talk to my weird ass again!

  2. So what I’m hearing Mr. McGoo is that as your friend I need to set appointments up for an optometrist, proctologist, and maybe a gastroenterologist soon- on it! 😂😂😂

  3. DO IT!!
    I wore glasses from age 7 on. My vision was so bad I could not see more than 12 inches in front of my face. Started wearing contacts back when they were the rigid, hard, non-gas permeable variety. Progressed to the soft contacts later on but my astigmatism got so bad they couldn’t correct my vision.
    Then my wonderful mom gave me the gift of lasik and I love it!

    1. I really want to & the more events like this that keep happening I realize I really NEED to! My eyes are so dry I can’t wear contacts more than like six hours! It’s tough! I just need to get a consultation & then make it happen!

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It’s certainly given me a lot of laughs the past couple of days!

  4. “It’s a case of mistaken identity, Sherlock!”

    Probably should get yourself a magnifying glass to carry around until LASIK happens!!😉🥸

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