Colorado Day Three: JonBenét Ramsey’s Home & The Stanley Hotel

The pictures and stories that you’re about to view and read are all from Monday, August 30, and although it might seem a tad bit early to some, for me and Melissa, this was the official kickoff of our Halloween Season! This day personified every aspect of all that we love about our favorite holiday. From the candy, to the creepy and the scary, to the macabre – for us – This Is Halloween!

Obviously candy is an important aspect of the Halloween season, so what better way to start our day than with a Hammond’s Candy Factory Tour! Hammond’s has been making candy in Denver, Colorado since 1920! For over a century now they’ve been delighting fans of all ages with scrumptious treats crafted by hand from start to finish! The tour itself was brief, maybe just slightly more than a half hour total, but it was highly informative and enjoyable. Plus, it was free! If ever in the Denver area, I would most definitely recommend a trip to Hammond’s! You’ll love it!

Making Candy Canes!
More Candy Cane making!
She’s not that innocent!

Having watched as many JonBenét Ramsey documentaries and specials as she possibly can, Melissa wasn’t about to let us drive past Boulder, Colorado without a stop outside the family’s home where a six year old JonBenét was brutally murdered back on Christmas Day in 1996. Her death created a media frenzy and dominated news cycles for months on end. The most chilling factor of this macabre story though is the fact that this still remains an unsolved crime and an open investigation with the Boulder Police Department. A simple Google search instantly gave us the address of the house along with hundreds of pages of information regarding the murder. Outside the home, we just parked on the side of the street with all the other cars in the neighborhood, got out, and took a handful of photos. No one bothered us in the ten minutes or so we were walking back and forth along the city sidewalk, but given how many other photos of this house we found, I’m certain moments like this are a regular occurrence. Something truly bizarre happened to me immediately after our time here, but that story will have to wait till I post “Colorado: A Retrospective.” Let’s just say I definitely think that I picked up some bad energy from our visit.

Anyone who was alive in 1996 would recognize this house.
This dog statue initially gave me quite the start as I thought for about a millisecond it was real.

Following our quick visit to the former Ramsey residence, we went and had lunch and shopped along the historic PEarl Street there in downtown Boulder. This pedestrian avenue was super cute and full of quaint little shops and restaurants, including the delicious Italian one we ended up dining in and all my bizarre occurrences happened. Nonetheless, we loved it. If ever in Boulder, Pearl Street is not to be missed!

I would like to think I saw more restrooms than anyone else in Colorado in a four day time span.
The true haunting I experienced this trip was having forgot my sunglasses at home!
Taken on our way from Boulder to Estes Park.

The Stanley Hotel opened on July 4, 1909 in Estes Park, Colorado, but not to the general public. Its original purpose was to house the wealthy guests of Yankee steam-powered car inventor Freelan Oscar Stanley, who would come out to Estes Park, Colorado and visit with him and his wife during the summer months. It was a sprawling campus of eleven buildings including the main hotel, which is where Melissa and I stayed in room 213, a concert hall, which will be discussed in great detail coming up, and nine other structures. The Stanley remained a peaceful place – minus a gas explosion in 1911 that entirely decimated room 217 – until 1974 when Stephen King and his wife spent a single night in that very room. From this experience King wrote his acclaimed bestseller, The Shining, and from then on The Stanley gained a reputation as a setting for paranormal activity.

Tired AF from our travels, we sat in these chairs by this hot ass fire for about 75 minutes waiting for our room to become available. Despite the heat, it all felt super cute.
There’s a scene from the film Dumb & Dumber that incorporates this staircase prominently.
The infamous room 217. If we stood in front of our room door and looked to our left, this is what we saw.
Taken just outside our room, 213!
Bacon Wrapped Bison & Elk Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and Cornbread.
My Strawberry Cheesecake was to die for!

The next five photos were taken in or around the Music Hall. Built as a 1/8 scale replica of the Boston Music Hall, this is where a violin-playing Stanley and his piano-playing wife would put on elaborate concerts for their guests. This structure is also one of the most haunted places on The Stanley campus. We got to go inside as part of our night tour and it started off pretty standard all in all. We got a brief history of the building and a rundown of some of the famous individuals who’ve performed there in the past, but when we went downstairs to the powder rooms, things got extremely creepy and scary.

In one of the powder rooms, the tour guide handed each of us a lollipop as a ploy to help summon the ghost of “Lucy.” Lucy was a fifteen year old homeless girl who had froze to death after she was found hiding away inside this very powder room and forcibly removed from the premises. Her story is incredibly tragic, but even in death, she had obviously maintained her love for candy. Well, fortunately for me and Melissa, some avid ghost hunting enthusiasts were on our tour and they had set up all this EMF reading equipment and such in the center of the room. Their machines were going absolutely crazy with signals and sounds and the three of them remarked how they had never seen their equipment act this way before. The tour guide assumed this meant someone else was in the room with us, so he asked if the spirit would be so kind to tell us their name then I shit you not, clear as it could possibly be, we heard a gravely voice call out from that damn machine, “Paul.”

I about shit my pants. I got so cold and chills shot up and down my spine. We were all standing there in complete and total darkness, minus the little flashes of light from the EMF equipment and hearing that old ass sounding voice call out, “Paul,” was just surreal. I’m so proud of Melissa for not running away in a panic because that very thought even crossed my mind initially before realizing just how lucky and amazing this experience truly was. Yes, I was scared and nervous, but also extremely excited. So much adrenaline started pumping through me though that I could’ve listened for ghosts all night!

Exterior of the Music Hall.
This playful pose happened before “Paul” joined us.
I had turned out the lights in the men’s restroom to take a picture and at the precise moment one of the ghost hunters came in on me. Sadly, nothing was captured but ourselves.

Our tour guide then led us back to the main building where the entirety of the fourth floor is extremely haunted as well as the old ice and wine cellars, which is exactly where we ended up. The third picture below of the red lit door was taken down in one of the old tunnels.

Exterior shot of the main hotel.
I was really hoping to capture something supernatural, but no such luck!
Third floor hallway.
The feared fourth floor where more paranormal activity happens than anywhere else.
Me looking down at Melissa from the fourth floor. She was too scared to come up there with me.

Well, I do hope this blog helped put you in the Halloween spirit! It definitely did me! As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I truly do appreciate your support! PLEASE feel free to leave me a comment below! You know I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be back with “Colorado: Day Four” as soon as I’m able, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. What an amazing experience! This place is definitely on my bucket list because of “The Shining,” but I never knew about any of the history of the place! The “Here’s Benjamin” photo really got me laughing out loud. What a great start to spooky season!

    1. We knew nothing of the history either & I super found all that to be very interesting! I couldn’t resist taking a “HERE’S BENJAMIN” photo! It was too necessary! 😂

  2. I would’ve been right there with your wife running out of that room if I had heard that voice like that oh my thats some scary stuff! I remember the Jonbenet story. So sad that they still don’t even know who did it.

    1. Well, she technically didn’t run away, but I’m sure if there was someone there wanting to do the same with her, she’s be gone! 😂 It felt sad being outside the JonBenét house. Definitely a somber aura surrounding the place.

  3. I loved, loved, loved this!!! Has me missing sweet CO. Thank you for taking us all on this journey!

    1. You’re welcome & thank you for viewing it along with me! We LOVED Colorado! I can most definitely see why you loved it so much!

    1. Thank you so very much! We had THE BEST time & I love being able to share my adventures with you all!

  4. Fantastic photos! I really want to visit this hotel someday. When the voice Paul I would have run like the wind but I love that you guys had a paranormal experience!

    1. I loved it too even if it did make me want to cry & celebrate at the same time! I would happily visit again, so one day, we’ll have to go! It was lovely!

  5. Oh wow! I loved all of it! Totally looked like an amazing and scary adventure. I have to say one of my favorites was, “Here’s Benjamin” lol

    1. Thank you so much & I love that you loved it! I knew when I was there a “Here’s Johnny!” recreation was necessary! 😂

    1. This was definitely a bucket list eliminator for sure! We’d been wanting to stay here forever! Would stay again!

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