New England Day Nine: Boston, Massachusetts & Farewell to New England!

When we discovered that the Barack and Michelle Obama Presidential Portraits were in Boston for the month of October, we knew this was a sign! WE HAD TO GO! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Barack and Michelle and find them to both be the very embodiment of everything good in this world. They have provided me with a never-ending amount of inspiration and despite everything, they have carried themselves with an unrivaled amount of dignity and respect. I just think that they’re both simply the best. This trip was full of magical moments, but their portraits being in Boston the very same time we were in Boston was truly fate I believe.

On the morning of Day Nine I could quite literally not get to the Museum of Fine Arts Boston fast enough and it was such a blessing that it didn’t cost anything extra to see Barack and Michelle’s portraits either! Not that it would’ve matter as I would’ve happily paid twice the admission to see these legendary portraits. We had to book a designated time, which for us was about two hours into the future, so this gave us plenty of time to explore the museum while building suspense for our big moment with the Obamas.

Now I love a good art museum, Melissa and I are both members to the St. Louis Art Museum, yes, I know, it’s free, but being a member gets us a multitude of special privileges while supporting one of the finest institutions in our great city. Boston’s Fine Arts Museum was no exception, it was absolutely captivating and was large, I mean LARGE! We had a map in hand, but were still getting turned around on occasion. We didn’t mind though, getting to see all these extraordinary treasures from all around the world was truly the perfect way for us to end this incredible journey through New England.

So, while there are far fewer photos than my usual posts, please take a gander at the ones below and we’ll meet up at the end with a little recap of all things New England.

The main entrance reminded me slightly of the one at the St. Louis Art Museum. Loved it and this Native American statue outside really spoke to me as well. Love me some Native American culture.
Her feet were killing her after eight days of aggressive walking. Kamber and I could walk across country – Melissa, not so much.
I don’t know what piece of art this is, but I LOVED IT!
I love visualizing the space around me to maximize my photos and this is one such example of that. Melissa peeking in through the looking glass really made this photo what it is.
Notice the shark in the water. We were terrified.
Another example of maximizing your surroundings for a great photo.
First Lady Michelle Obama. Love her so much. I cried when I saw this portrait and again when I saw Barack’s…
President Barack Obama. Love him so much. I don’t usually listen to people’s speeches, namely because I don’t care, but I will forever stop what I’m doing and listen to this man speak. He just has such an eloquent way with words. He’s the best.
The dog statue and the ivy on the walls were really doing it for me. Loved this museum, it was truly extraordinary.
Give me all the photo opportunities!

I’ve taken a LOT of vacations in my life. I’ve been to four continents and about thirty states (seven of which were on this trip), but this vacation was – without doubt – one of the best! Getting to explore the foundation of our country during the time of the year that I love most was truly an experience I’ll never forget and one that I’m certain I’ll speak of often.

There’s not a single experience on this trip that I regretted, but plenty that I’d love to duplicate down the road. Sure Salem in October is something that I would probably not do again, but Salem in June? HERE I COME! Because we had such a feverish itinerary, we didn’t get to spend as much time in some of these places as I learned I’d of liked, but I see this trip as a launching pad for future ones. I most definitely need to get back to Rhode Island more so than anywhere. I fell deeply in love with Newport and Providence and can only imagine what other enchanting locations this tiny, but magnificent state possesses.

Perhaps the most amazing part of all this is that Kamber and I planned 90% of our trip over the course of two evenings in July. It’s amazing what a simple Google search of “things to do in Maine” can provide you with. Not to mention the fact that we both have travel-friendly credit cards that kept our base costs to a bare minimum. One thing I learned from this is, when I’m ready to move beyond my career in retail, I know for a fact I could excel in one in the travel industry. Feel free to hit me up for this itinerary!

Well, as always, THANK YOU so much for viewing and coming along on this long-winded journey with me! I didn’t anticipate it taking me nearly two months to share this vacation, but I’ve had so much going on I hadn’t the time to blog! So sorry, but again, thank you! I forever appreciate you greatly! Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be back soon with another all-new post – that has nothing to do with my New England vacation – so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More haunts and happenings from our New England vacation:

New England Day One: Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow, New York

New England Day Two: Essex & New Haven, Connecticut

New England Day Three: Newport & Providence, Rhode Island

New England Day Four: Cape Cod, Massachusetts & Portsmouth, New Hampshire

New England Day Five: Portsmouth, New Hampshire & Portland, Maine

New England Day Six: Bangor, Maine & Burlington, Vermont

New England Day Seven: Salem & Boston, Massachusetts

New England Day Eight: Boston, Massachusetts

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


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