Kicking Off The New Year With A Disneyland Resort Christmas

By now we all know that the Disneyland Resort is my absolute #1 favorite place on Earth. I just love it so much and in order for my mind, body, and soul to remain balanced, I must get there three times every two years, minimum. Being in The Happiest Place on Earth makes me feel like the happiest person on Earth even still after approximately three hundred visits. Each experience in Disney brings something new, always, but this time around, we brought something new with us: two friends that we’d never traveled with before.

Melissa, Nancy, and I have traveled together countless times, many of which I’ve showcased, but this was the first trip one of our best friends, Erin, joined us on. Erin used to live in Southern California so she too has been to Disney hundreds of times, but for our other best friend, who now doubles as our surrogate son, Precious Gabe, it was his first.

Bringing someone who had never been to a Disney Park before was honestly the greatest joy of this trip. Melissa, Nancy, Erin, and I all thought on several occasions we were going to get whiplash from watching Gabriel’s head spin around trying to take everything in, but I can think of no better way I’d want our necks in braces than this. It was pure joy and wonder the entire time for us all and provided me with yet another perfect set of memories from my perfect place.

While we visited the two parks of the Disneyland Resort over four days, I’m going to spare you all four separate posts because well, you’ve all seen me in Disney before, so at this point, it’d just be overkill. I do want to share with you all my forty favorite photos though and with over 1,000 pictures taken, narrowing them down gave me quite the challenge, so please, do enjoy.

Nancy cheesin’ by the avian themed Christmas tree! My mother-in-law, Jane, would’ve LOVED this tree!
Me & Melissa with Donald Duck, the character who best represents Melissa’s personality.
it’s a small world holiday!
Nancy, Erin, & I cheersing in Oga’s Cantina at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.
Nancy, me, Melissa, Gabe, & Erin with Elsa & Anna.
Walking through the Sorcerer’s Workshop.
Melissa always says she & I should go as these two from “Fantasia” for Halloween one year. I already can’t wait for those pictures!
The five of us in the mirror at Carthay Circle restaurant in Disney’s California Adventure Park.
Mickey & friends holiday parade. Notice the mountain above Mickey & Minne, it’s shaped like a grizzly bear! Don’t be like Melissa & come here a hundred times & never notice this wonder!
Our lil’ Gabey LOVED getting hugs from us!
Gabriel & Erin doing their Wakanda Forever pose. Gabe & I don’t share the same opinion on many movies & this one was no exception. I thought it was terrible trash & a pathetic followup to the incredible first one, he loved it.
As you can guess, I LOVE me a good restroom anywhere, but especially this one! This is where I saw Brooklyn Beckham, the eldest son of Victoria & David!
I’ve said a hundred times I’m going to mail postcards or letters from Disneyland one day & while I didn’t do it this trip, it is something I vow to do!
The PhotoPass Photographer magic is THE BEST!
The Matterhorn & Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage lagoon coupled with that palm tree made this picture look like it was someplace tropical yet equally terrific.
Movies aren’t the only things Gabriel & I disagree on, he LOVED Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage & I hadn’t rode it since the triplets were in eighth grade back in like 2016. I just can’t get into it & it makes me feel queasy.
“Peter Pan” was my favorite Disney movie growing up & I was Captain Hook for THREE consecutive Halloweens as a child! I mean, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.
Having a mad tea party on our unbirthday!
“Welcome foolish mortals…”
Haunted Mansion Holiday is always my favorite overlay. “The Nightmare Before Christmas” has always been a favorite of mine & I live for this theming!
My friend California Melissa (to my immediate left) & her daughter, Jade, & son, Justus, joined us on our third day! We had THE BEST time!
Melissa & her lil’ Gabey.
Stormtroopers of the First Order.
Seeing if Gabe’s worthy of pulling King Arthur’s sword from the stone.
Capturing the wondrous facade of it’s a small world holiday.
Gabriel Goofying it up!
They have the cutest details around the park that come & go as the day does. The details are always ripe with magic.
I always cry in Disney & reading this definitely flooded my eyes some.
Avenger’s assemble!
Zoom in on Gabe’s face! Top row third from left. I laughed so, so hard.
Took four days, but Gabe finally got his picture with his favorite character, Goofy!
“Look at the five of us, we’re just like the ‘Sex and the City’ girls!”
Despite having been to Disney’s California Adventure Park about two hundred times, I’d never once rode the Red Car Trolley till this trip. It was cute & pleasant & perfect for anyone with bad feet (Melissa.)
We down there lookin’ like a bunch of cod fishes while Peter’s flying high.
“Cruella De Vil, Cruella De Vil, if she doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will…”
King Arthur’s Carousel as seen from the windows of Pinocchio’s Daring Journey queue. Again, give me all the cute details.
The Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader.
Kisses for Minnie Mouse!
The lobby of Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa where we stayed this time around. Loved it.

As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I love being able to share my adventures with you all nearly as much as I love living them, so really and truly, thank you for coming back time after time and providing me with this platform to do so. It honestly means the world. Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be back soon with another all-new post, so until then, I wish you all, all the best.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Ugh, I am so bummed I was sick and missed what looks like such an incredible time! I love all of the pictures and i hope you guys had the best time!

    1. I’m so sad – STILL! We did have THE BEST time! We need one of our morning chats so I can tell you all about it!

  2. It looks like you all had such a wonderfully magical time at Disneyland together!! I love seeing the pictures you post. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing adventures!

    1. Thank you so much for viewing! I appreciate you! We really did have THE BEST time! Can’t wait to see you in NYC in March! We gonna turn up!

  3. I forget how many Disneyland posts you have, but given how many times you’ve been, it makes sense! Don’t you ever get tired of that place?

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