New York City Day Two: Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of

My second day in New York City happened to fall on Saint Patrick’s Day! I was hoping so badly to make it to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral because obviously what better day to go, but alas, our nonstop tour-de-force of Manhattan prevented us from making it there. Nonetheless, about a third of the way down through these photos, you’ll see I had my own lil’ touch of the Irish…!

Our first stop was at the USS Intrepid Sea, Air, & Space Museum! I LOVE military museums, so if there’s one in town, I’m always down to visit!
The flight briefing room reminded me of a scene straight out of “Top Gun.” It should be noted, “Top Gun 2” was EASILY my favorite movie of 2022. An instant classic for sure.
I realized as I was combing through my photos that I didn’t take pictures of the placards detailing the model of plane before me, so what you’re about to see are just a handful of cute looking planes, so sorry about that! This was a grave mistake on my behalf!
Look at that skyline behind this jet! I just couldn’t get enough of the cityscape when I was there!
Cole pretending to fire the gun.
The Shuttle Enterprise! I asked Cole when we entered the hanger if he thought this shuttle came first or the USS Enterprise from “Star Trek” and he answered correctly, the Star Trek vessel came first and a petition signed by hundreds of thousands of people led this shuttle to adopt the name from the iconic Star Trek spaceship.
A view into the landing gear of the shuttle. Just amazing to think this was in outer space. Blows my mind.
The control deck from the aircraft carrier with a drastically different view now than they would’ve had when out to sea.
I cannot imagine having to sleep like this for months at a time. Not to mention the fact that there were more people than there were bunks, so they had to sleep in shifts. This is not the life for me, but I applaud all those that are able to do it. Absolutely outstanding.
We even got a lil’ patriotic concert while we were there. These kids were super good! It made for such a pleasant surprise!
I’d never been aboard a submarine before, so I was absolutely ecstatic that the USS Growler was here and able to be toured!
It was truly awesome being able to see a torpedo like this. I was just constantly mesmerized by the submarine experience. I didn’t realize they would be submerged for six to nine months at a time and during said time were not able to take showers! Plus, as this vessel served in the fifties and sixties, they allowed the crew to smoke aboard, so that means this air had to be the absolute worst of the worst! I genuinely cannot imagine, I was as fascinated as I was disgusted. No way I would’ve survived this lifestyle.
I was so shook by these quarters! You had to step down into this incredibly small area in order to use the toilet. Just wild how tight and tiny submarine life was.
The Landmark Tavern is one of the oldest operating restaurants in the entire city! It dates back to the 1850’s! It was absolutely adorable inside and we had THE BEST lunch of…
CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE! I was so absolutely excited when we stumbled upon the Landmark Tavern! I MUST have my corned beef and cabbage on every Saint Patrick’s Day, so this was the best blessing!
We visited the American Museum of Natural History and it was absolutely outstanding! A real labyrinth of education and entertainment.
They had this newly refurbished Northwest Coast Hall and it was just stunning. Arguably my favorite part of the museum.
They had taxidermy for days here. Never saw anything like it, but I loved every moment.
It was such a rush seeing these dinosaur fossils. Love me some stegosaurus.
Taking it all in.
Some mammoth bones!
I just thought this was incredible how the dinosaur was so long they chose to projected its head out into another gallery. I loved this place and definitely could’ve spent twice as much time here.
“Me no dum-dum. You dum-dum.” Upon further inspection, I realized this is NOT The Dum Dum statue as seen in the major motion picture, “Night at the Museum.” Oops and oof!
This place was just sprawling. Some of these galleries went on forever!
We entered through the subway, so we didn’t get to see this until the end, but this is the main entry hall and it was just absolutely breathtaking!
The subway station for the museum was themed accordingly. I thought it was just adorable.
Feelin’ like a real New Yorker!
The Empire State Building elevator was as classy and beautiful as the experience.
LOVE me some King Kong!
I want to direct your eyes to the Britney Spears Pepsi sign in the center! She filmed a generation-defining commercial there in the early 2000’s and many still say that no other commercial before or since has had the cultural impact it has.
These views. Wow.
I was nervous af. I hate heights, but was still lowkey loving this experience regardless of the fact that that wind up there meant business! I was terrified my phone was going to blow from my hand to the streets below! We were on the 86th floor observation deck and it was just complete and total brilliance up there.
One World Trade Center is off to the right there. I visited the 9/11 Memorial on Day Five. Can’t wait to share that immensely sad day with you all.
There is no place else like it. I loved it here.
Felt just like I was in a movie.
The Empire State Building is rated America’s #1 attraction and for good reason. I loved this so much and next time I return I will most definitely be going to the 102nd floor observation deck as well!
We ate at this incredibly adorable Chinese restaurant for dinner that featured delicious food and live music set in the most enchanting of settings. I really enjoyed the restaurant itself.
Y’all knew I was finding my way here at some point. Macy’s is forever my jam! It is my favorite store of all time and I will shop there till the day I die. We unfortunately didn’t get that much time inside, not even an hour, but one day I’ll go back and spend roughly half a day because that’s what I feel like I need to really get my Macy’s Herald Square experience. Also, their display windows were under construction, so again, I felt a little slighted, but nonetheless, I’ll be back.
I really wish they would remodel the store to look like it did in the 1940’s version of “Miracle on 34th Street.” It just appeared too modern in there for me. Can we take it back to post-World War II America please?
Being able to see the Empire State Building from just about anywhere was a real treat. My eyes never failed to glance in its dominating direction. It is quintessential New York City and hearing Jay-Z and Alicia Keys, “Empire State of Mind” from every single pedicab in town really helped up the ante in the New York State of Mind. This city is simply the best.

Well, there you have it, Day Two of my time in the city that never sleeps! Thank you again for viewing and PLEASE feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be back soon with Day Three, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More from NYC:

New York City Day One: XOXO

New York City Day Three: Thank You For Being A Friend

New York City Day Four: Freer Than A Free Throw!

New York City Day Five: Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning On That September Day?

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I cannot believe you fit all these activities into one day! Such a fun day! You should become a travel blogger!

    1. You know me, no rest for the wicked! I am a travel blogger, just not a successful one yet! Haha!

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