Colorado 2023 Day Two: Hikes & Spirits

Day Two allowed us to see even more of Fort Collins, so come along with me for the second part of my photographic journey through Alyssa’s Graduation Weekend!

We began our morning at this cute lil’ coffee shop, The Fox Den, it was idealistically Colorado. Fully sustainable, no waste, all that hippie stuff that more or less defined the area. I totally loved it and treated myself to a couple different orange-infused iced coffees.
The restroom had art for sale. Any of the paintings you see here could be purchased at the register and the work was all done by local artists.
More sale offerings. No, I didn’t buy any as there was nothing here depicting anything even close to Britney Spears, CĂ©line Dion, or Disney.
Debbie, Joe, Cody, & Alyssa.
Horsetooth Reservoir, where we took a lil’ day hike.
It reminded me a lil’ bit of Scotland up here.
Hard to believe, but I didn’t get a single spot on my white jeans. Hallelujah, amen because we had a long day ahead of us and that would’ve just been awful.
It had just rained so several portions of the trails were muddy.
Definitely got some Britney Spears, “I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman” vibes.
Debbie and I originally wanted to go to this water nature center that boasted a great deal of aviary life, but Alyssa insisted on Horsetooth Reservoir and I have to say, I’m glad we went where we did.
I made this Cody’s Contact profile picture in my phone, so I figured I’d include it here. Such a wonderfully handsome photo.
Aside from the speedboat racing by, this place definitely took me back to 2004 when I was in Scotland. I loved the aspect of nostalgia it gave me despite never having been to this place in my life.
My indifference to boating is vast.
Best Cousins.
Debbie and Alyssa.
These two are just the cutest. Love them so much. My favorite couple ever.
Some fellow hiker asked if we wanted our picture taken together and of course I said, “yes!” He chopped our feet off – which I don’t love – but nonetheless, I was so appreciative of his volunteering to take our photograph.
I love photos like this of roads that lead to seemingly nowhere. Always makes me think about the future.
This was the first of what ended up being four alcohol-centric places I was brought to this day. That’s literally more such locations than I’m used to going to in a month. It was definitely a different kind of day for me, not bad by any means, just different. Days like this help keep me a well-rounded person.
Love me some Coca-Cola art! Always a fan favorite here.
Inside “Social,” which is ranked as one of the top ten speakeasy’s in the country and I thought it was totally cute and fine, but being honest, it failed to compare to our own The Speakeasy right here in Cutesville, USA! How do I submit for a reshuffling of that national top ten list!?!
Gangs all here! (From Left: Cody, Alyssa, me, Joe, Cole, Debbie.)
“…and it’s called Black Magic” – my drink that is. Don’t ask me what was in it other than berry puree and sage, but I really rather enjoyed this lil’ cocktail.
They gave all the graduates who came in a free drink coupon for their next visit. I thought that was super sweet and nice of them.
Love me a good restroom mirror shot.
So, Cody often goes to this place in Fort Collins called Match-Ups. It’s a dive bar/pool hall and let me tell you what, this was an experience for me. Very much different than any other place I’d ever been in before. So rounding up our alcohol-centric visits that day we had the brewery, winery, speakeasy, and finally dive bar. The only drink I got was the Black Magic at Social. Alcohol isn’t my thing, but if it looks cute and will afford me a good picture, then I have no problem getting it, otherwise, my indifference is vast.
Debbie and I hijacked the jukebox and played a string of pop hits and really saved the vibe in this place. It was all alternative, moody rock before we rescued everyone’s ears with the greatest hits of Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, and the like.

Well, there you have it, my second fun-filled day in Fort Collins, Colorado! As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! Feel free to leave a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be back super soon with Day Three, which is EASILY the best one because we went to Denver and visited Meow Wolf, which has to be seen to be understood, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More Colorado 2023 Adventures:

Art & Accomplishment in Fort Collins


Totally 80’s Pizza

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I’m gonna have to check out this speakeasy place you been talking about in “Cutesville because that one in Fort collins looked pretty dang awesome!

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