Fun in Fort Collins: Totally 80’s Pizza

The moment we pulled up to Totally 80’s Pizza, I knew it was going to be worthy of its own unique blog post and let me tell you what, following a single step inside, I saw in an instant just how right I was! This place is like stepping back into time in all the best ways! In fact, I haven’t been this enchanted by an establishment in forever, so come along with me as I showcase the wow and wonder of Totally 80’s Pizza in Fort Collins, Colorado!

Now real quick, credit must be given where credit is due, so while I had actually found Totally 80’s Pizza prior to even leaving for Colorado during a quick Google search of “things to do in fort collins colorado,” it was really Sweet Cody who ensured that we made it here because he knew good and well that I was going to love it and as he always is, he was spot on! This place is as the late great Tina Turner would say, “simply the best!”

Located at 2567 South Shields Street Unit 4C, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80526
Slimer & a Care Bear! Macintosh Pro! Like I said, you’re instantly transported – back to the future, if you will – to the decade of excess.
Han Solo in Carbonite sandwiched between all these incredible shirts one can purchase! I was literally loving every single second of this place and we hadn’t been inside even ninety seconds yet at this point.
Nightmare on Elm Street is one of my favorite horror franchises, so the Freddy Krueger bust was a real treat, every bit as much as the Blockbuster Video gumball machine!
I love Star Wars so much and this Battle of Hoth set that you can kind of see above me with the action figures and sets from the 80’s was blowing my mind. Plus, obviously, Yoda.
You’ll notice on The Goonies poster below the ordering counter, it was signed to “Totally 80’s Pizza” and I noticed all the stuff there was and that really made it even better for me. Everything in here was authentic and so much of it was signed by the stars of the decade and made out to this celebration of all things 80’s. I don’t think my smile left my face for a second while we were here. Also, zoom in on the table markers, their all different films and stars. We obviously chose, The Golden Girls.
Cody (left), Alyssa (right), and I created our own pizza with bell peppers, banana peppers, red onions, and pepperoni and it definitely had us high-fiving while giving our best, “COWABUNGA!”
Zoom in and be amazed, but don’t worry, I provide plenty of other photos with much more intimate views of what you see here. I should note I waited to take photos till we were the last customers in here because when we first arrived, the place was fairly busy.
The old soda cans really did it for me. I don’t care what anyone says, I lowkey love New Coke. I had the privilege of getting a couple cans back when they had the tie-in with one of the recent Stranger Things seasons. If they sold it now, I’d buy it half as often as I buy Coca-Cola Classic.
I had no clue Brooke Shields had her own doll. I was contemplating watching her Hulu documentary, but seeing this doll essentially solidified that for me. It instantly became some must-see-tv.
I used to have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time for Super Nintendo and would play it daily for about two years, so it goes without saying I put several quarters into this machine! Now I love all four turtles, but Raphael will always be my favorite.
I love Michael Jackson, but I had NO CLUE he had his own Sega video game! Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker! Cody & I played it for quite and while and I was loving every second of it, especially the video game version of songs off his Bad album!
Zoltar’s fortunes were totally on point for me and Alyssa, Cody… not so much.
“‘Cause this is Thriller!” No, like seriously, Totally 80’s Pizza was a Thriller of a night!

Fort Collins is about an hour outside of Denver and the city itself has plenty to offer like an absolutely dynamic downtown that’ll take you back to a completely different place and time, like maybe the 1880’s, but nonetheless, Totally 80’s Pizza is a MUST VISIT! 10/10! Highly Recommend! For me, this was the pinnacle of my trip. I literally sat there with tears in my eyes at one point while we were eating because the music video for Rod Stewart’s smash hit, Downtown Train, played on the television and that song is the very first song I remember ever loving. I believe I was three. Say and think what you want, but it was honestly a spiritual moment for me and one that I will never, ever forget. The happiness I felt in that moment was nearly unparalleled. So THANK YOU Totally 80’s Pizza for not only creating this shrine to a time I will forever hold dear, but for giving me an evening unlike any other. I may not get back often, but I will never go back to Colorado without finding my way to Totally 80’s Pizza.

Totally 80’s Pizza is located in the Raintree Village shopping Center at 2567 South Shields Street, Unit 4C, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526. They’re open Monday 4:00-8:30, Tuesday through Thursday from 11:00-9:00, Friday and Saturday 11:00-9:30 and Sunday’s 11:00-8:30. They also have delivery and pickup options available, but then you’d be depriving yourself of the opportunity to dine in their magical environment, so do keep that in mind. They can be found online at

As always, THANK YOU for viewing! Feel free to leave a comment below as I love reading and responding to them! I’ll return soon with another all-new post, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More Colorado 2023 Adventures:

Art & Accomplishment in Fort Collins

Hikes & Spirits


About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Looks like a awesome place! Have to add it to my road trip list for sure because I definitely love the 80s for sure takes me back!

  2. Totally tubular dude! Wow! The time & care put into this place makes me want to get in my car and drive out there now! I love this!

    1. There’s so much to do out in Fort Collins & considering Denver is only a hour away it is definitely worth your while! Totally 80’s Pizza can NOT be missed though! I’m obsessed!

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