Disney’s Animal Kingdom is typically my favorite park of the four down in Walt Disney World, however, I’m feeling like it’s in need of some Disney magic! Dinoland, USA, which is one land or area of the park is in desperate need of going extinct and something more Disney needs to be put in its place. I don’t know, a land based around the movie, Zootopia, would be a nice idea, at this point, anything else would be an improvement. Additionally, we just got the blockbuster motion picture Avatar 2: The Way of Water (which I didn’t like, but it made over a billion dollars, so plenty did) and yet no new Avatar attraction was added to the Pandora section of the park. With Avatar 3 on the horizon I think this is a great oversight, especially when one considers the land only has two attractions to begin with! I still absolutely LOVE the Asia and Africa themed sections of the park as they heavily remind me of my time in Thailand and Kenya respectively, but as a whole, this park needs some investment!
Despite this, we absolutely had THE BEST time that day! As you’ll see, Kamber met us a few hours into the day (her flight arrived that morning and she came straight to the park), so our trio became a foursome and our fun was heavily multiplied!

Prior to meeting up with Kamber, she was at her favorite spot in any park, “Starbucks the Ride,” (literally just Starbucks) and said that she wasn’t worried about finding us in the crowd of people leaving the “Festival of the Lion King” attraction shown above because she knew she just had to look for the person in the brightest clothing. I mean, sure my shorts were orange this day, but my shirt was kind of muted all things considered. Also, the photo above doesn’t do the crowd levels justice. This was actually taken earlier in the morning, by midday, it was as crowded as ever!

I know it sounded like I complained a lot about this park at the beginning of this post, but I just need you all to know that my concern comes from a place of immense love for this park. I just want it to be better because I know it can be. Disney has the money and the resources to improve this already incredible place, I’m looking forward to the day they start doing it.
As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! Feel free to leave me a comment below as I love reading and responding to them! I’ll be back soon with another all-new post highlighting our day at EPCOT, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!
More from our Sixth Anniversary Trip:
Is this a zoo and a theme park in one place? Looks neat.
It’s just that! It has animals & attractions! The perfect blend of both!
Now this park actually looks really neat! Different than all their other ones for sure!
Oh, for sure! There’s no other park in the world quite like it!