Walt Disney World: Our Sixth Anniversary Trip: EPCOT

Depending on one’s point of view, we either had the fortune or misfortune of being at EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow) on the first day of the Food & Wine Festival. Melissa, Kamber, and Nancy all love those little carts and stands of food and drinks selling assorted delicacies from around the world, but to be honest, they don’t do much for me.

I don’t really drink alcohol, so there’s next to no mixed drinks that peak my interest and it was so sweltering hot out that the idea of getting food at one of these little stands and standing outside and eating it carried zero appeal. If there wasn’t indoor dining then it wasn’t an option for me this week and that pretty much actually went for all of us. 95ยบ and 90% humidity meant we needed all the air-conditioned breaks we could muster! Now this isn’t to say we didn’t have the best time, in fact, as you take a look at these next thirty photos, I think you’ll see we had our best day yet! It was just perfect in every sense of the word – regardless of the terror-inducing heatwave and the out-of-this-world crowds that came with a result of the Food & Wine Festival debut!

Prior to this trip, I had never rode Journey Into Imagination With Figment (Figment is the little dragon flying above us) and I’ll be honest, that ride just didn’t resonate with me. I found it a little bit on the goofy side of things – and I’m NOT talking Mickey’s famous friend either – I mean just plain silly. Millions of people love it though and there’s a 100% chance I’ll ride it again every time I return.
I got Tinkerbell in my palm and of course Nancy’s vain ass taking a selfie. Oh, Nancy.
When the four of us went to Walt Disney World two years ago with Charles (Kamber’s husband) we Disney Bounded (aesthetically dress as a Disney character in regular clothing, not costumed) as the five emotions from Pixar’s Inside Out, so it was a real “joy” meeting my favorite of the bunch, Joy!
Ralph Breaks The Internet is one of my favorite movies and that little Vanellope just kills me. She’s hilarious! She asked us to drive all night with her and no way we were saying “no” to those figure 8’s!
Sharing some tea with Mickey!
Don’t let this smile fool you! There’s this BEAUTIFUL attraction called Living With The Land and I love and adore it with every beat of my heart, but Nancy isn’t the biggest fan. It’s a 15 minute must ride of serenity and knowledge. It’s just perfect.
Pixar’s Coco is one of the best films ever made. I love it so incredibly much and seeing little Miguel and Dante here just made my heart feel like it was “Soarin’!”
They both work in a laboratory, so they love seeing “Lab Life” stuff anywhere they can.
The Bubblegum Wall!

So Kamber, Nancy, and I all got to ride the newest attraction at EPCOT: Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind. I’m super over any and all things Marvel. I’m a big believer in less is more and Marvel doesn’t believe that at all, so we’re not on good terms me and them right now. After waiting in the queue for this attraction, I had lowered my expectations of this ride significantly. I felt annoyed standing there listening to the Guardians and their mindless gibber, but let me tell you what, this ride was PHENOMENAL! I loved every single second of it! I’ve only rode it the once, but there is a very real possibility it is my favorite rollercoaster of all time! Expectations exceeded for sure! I was shook at the lovefest I was feeling for it. 10/10. Highly Recommend!

“Give me your best superhero pose.” – Disney Photopass Photographer
When Donald asks you to dance, you dance.
Exhuasted Princess Melissa of Cutesville, USA
Princess/Queen Anna is NOT Melissa’s favorite Disney Princess.
We all love us some Elsa though.
The China Pavilion is so cute to me.
Two tired ladies and Kamber.
Such a pensive reader. We had THE BEST dinner at Le Cellier Steakhouse in the Canada Pavilion. It was simply the best, for sure better than all the rest. My goodness did we all love it so much.
My Corn Bisque was outstanding! I can still close my eyes and taste it’s deliciousness.
I got the Rib-Eye Steak, USDA Prime prepared medium rare with Herbed Gruyรฉre-Yukon Gold Potatoes, Onion-Cognac Gravy, and Crispy Onions as accompaniments. Again, it was incredible. This place is definitely one to visit. 10/10. Highly Recommend.

As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! Feel free to leave a comment below as I love reading and responding to them! I’ll be back soon with our day at Hollywood Studios where my good friend, Lauren, from my days at Macy’s St. Clair Square joined us, so until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More from our Sixth Anniversary Trip:

Saratoga Springs & Disney Springs

Animal Kingdom

Hollywood Studios

Magic Kingdom

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


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