My Whirlwind Weekend In La La Land

“Hip-Hop in America” encompassed the entire fourth floor and featured all kinds of iconic memorabilia from various Hip-Hop artists. This is definitely not my genre and last time I was there they had some sort of Country Music exhibit in its place, so while an upgrade from that, I’m looking forward to the day I go and there’s a Pop Music exhibit!
Gimme all the photo opportunities please!
Sometimes you just have to create your own. Obviously Melissa wasn’t going to pass up a photo with one of her heroes: Mariah Carey!
The Real Slim Shady did stand up in these! I do love me some Eminem on occasion.
We some badass motherfuckers.
Love me some Coca-Cola! This advertisement was just so beautiful to me.
The third floor was all about global icon, Shakira! Showcasing this Latin Queen couldn’t have been more appropriate for us on this weekend since we were in town to see three Latin Kings!
Two of the most important people in the world to me were born on December 2 (one of which will be kind of featured here in a bit) and knowing now that the single most iconic music video of all time debuted on that day, December 2 is basically a personal holiday for me.
Would’ve been cuter at night, but this was the best we could do. We stopped in the Macy’s downtown LA to get Kamber a sweater for a future holiday party. While she found something she loved, I didn’t love how modern it looked in there! I wanted it to have more of a historical aesthetic because the building was so old.
I was most excited to see Enrique Iglesias (pictured above) as he has the most hits I love, but I have to say, Pitbull was probably the best performer of the night for me. Pitbull talked a lot, which I love, and his energy was off-the-charts!
A shot from Pitbull’s set.
Los Angeles is whack for allowing a hundred or so hot dog vendors to cram into the plaza outside the Arena. You have twenty thousand people trying to exit and then there’s all these crazy people selling you questionable meats and who even knows what else. The smell was just so abrasive. It felt unhinged and insane to me. Despite it all, this picture is adorable and somehow manages to not have a single hot dog seller in it, miraculous.
Ever since Kamber and I went and shared a piece of cheesecake back in college and I got a speeding ticket on the way home thereby making it our most expensive dessert ever, we’ve made The Cheesecake Factory a staple of our friendship and we go to one anytime we’re all together.
A good friend of mine, Darlene, recommended this book to me saying it would probably resonate with me given all that 2023 has brought me and WHOA! Two thirds in and she couldn’t have been more correct! I read this on our flight and cried about six times! Thank you, Darlene! This book has been a blessing! I will for sure be reviewing it in greater detail once I’ve finished and processed it all!
The white shirt and hands belong to our tour guide, Aaron, he was absolutely outstanding. His favorite movie of all-time was “The Prince of Egypt,” which was a real curveball, but definitely a classic. I mean, the movie is wonderful, but that Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston duet that hails from it, “When You Believe!?!” Simply the best.
“Top Gun: Maverick” is easily one of my favorite movies of all time. I love it more with each viewing and love it even more than the original, which I super love. It’s just the best, so we got to see plenty of memorabilia and filming locations for it.
They actually fill this parking lot with water and shoot a multitude of oceanic and other water needed scenes out here. It’s wild the way in which they do some of this stuff! Absolutely incredible. I love Hollywood and movies!
One of four benches used in the filming of “Forrest Gump.” I love this movie so much. Definitely a tear-jerking classic.
Bumblebee from “Transformers!”
This car was in “Dreamgirls,” which starred my girl, Beyoncé. Love that movie, love Beyoncé.
Third class accomodations
Fine dining ware
The Heart of the Ocean is so important to Melissa and I as a replica of it is what I used to propose to Melissa! Also, thank goodness old Rose dropped it into the ocean, so the astronaut could go down and get it for Britney Spears!
First class hallway
“I just wish I could get up there and shoot someone!” – Nancy, channeling her inner Caledon Hockley. (Whose surname happens to be the name of our new cat.)
“I’ll never let go, Nancy. I’ll never let go.”
We just so happened to be on Hollywood Boulevard on December 2, which as you know, is Britney Spears birthday. There was no way we weren’t walking the mile to go see her star. There’s no one we love more, so despite everything, we made our pilgrimage to see our beloved Brit’s star.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. I literally love your travel blogs and ones where you talk about past adventures! I can’t wait to be a travel buddy with you one day!!!

  2. Looks like another good trip with lots and lots and lots of walking! Lol! You guys always have fun packed trips!

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