Onward from the Castle on the Hill

I had the most incredible going away party! As you can see, the office was decorated in a balloons and Britney! A cake with cute orange icing (orange is as you know my favorite color) was made as well as this delicious punch! They saran wrapped my car! There was a performance of Britney’s, “…Baby One More Time” that was worth fifty standing ovations! It was a farewell to remember!
From Left: Brewer, Allie, Gabe (down front), Megan, me, and Cody. This was taken at the Britney Spears party Melissa and I hosted in the summer of 2022. Cody was my first friend from there and regrettably we don’t have nearly the number of photos we should for all the things we’ve done across the past three plus years! Shame on me, but very much looking forward to remedying this going forward!
I go to the Saint Louis Art Museum a lot, at least once every other month and cannot look at this primarily positioned painting without thinking of these two recreating this masterpiece. It will forever make me smile.
Me and my pop culture buddy, Christopher. He loves music and movies as much as I do, but we’re only in sync about half the time on what we agree to be good and great. It should be noted my eye is bloodied because I had just had my LASIK surgery. Also, like Cody, I don’t have nearly the number of photos with Christopher as I should.
You know I’m always down to be matchers, so I was thrilled when Eli (left), Brewer, and I were all able to get the same Polo Ralph Lauren Americana themed shirt! We all look so handsome!
Melissa and I took Precious Gabriel to Disneyland with us, Nancy, and Erin, where we created a wealth of magical memories that will surely sustain each of us across our lifetimes.
Megan and I grew very close to Patty and her puppy dog, Pearl. It was always a special and welcomed occasion to get a visit from the two of them! Patty worked alongside Megan and I for the first year or so I was there and those shifts were always the best!
Me and my girl, Cathy. We’re pictured here just before seeing “Come From Away” at the Fabulous Fox Theater and let me tell you what, it was just outstanding! From start to finish one of the finest productions I’ve ever seen. Cathy and I always have the best time no matter where we go and what we do.
These two (Katie on the left, Meagan on the right) are funny as can be. They worked alongside me for the first year or two of my time there, but thankfully would often still come and visit. I could always depend on them for a long distraction full of gossip and laughs, two things we know I love dearly.
Christian here is simply the best! Always down to do just about anything. I got him to come along with me to this Circus Harmony acrobatic experience at The City Museum and I’m quite certain it was a night neither of us will soon forget.
I’m going to have to write a Birthday Blog for this superstar right here – which amazingly enough, Megan and Melissa share the same birthday! December 17! – because I could go on forever about how phenomenal Megan is! She’s one in a billion! Because of her, we have a recording in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.! She interviewed me for this Story Corps segment (topic being my love of popculte and its impact on my life) and it was one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life!
Here I am with my beautifully saran wrapped car. I’ll never forget going out and clearing the parking lot of all the left behind carts and failing to notice my car in this state. I came back in and everyone was laughing it up, but I was oblivious to why. It wasn’t till we left for the night that I saw this special scenario that awaited me. What a lovely memory.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. This is such a wonderful post. Love seeing I’m not the only one best friends with my coworkers!

    1. Thank you, thank you! Yes! In my experience, coworkers often make the best friends!

    1. I absolutely met some of the best people there, but yes, I was a complainer about that place. I did leave it after all!

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