
Welcome to Hannibal, Missouri: Home of Mark Twain!

Hannibal Visitor’s Center where we picked up all the brochures. As Britney Spears would say, gimme, gimme more (brochures)!
The exterior has seen better days, but hopefully this crane is here to improve upon that.
There was this magnificent drive and steps leading up to the front of the house and although they too had seen better days I can only imagine how elegant and grand they were a century ago!
The window you see before you was made from Tiffany & Co. and still works today. You know this family had money if their stained glass windows were being done by Tiffany’s. Good for them honestly because now good for us.
The Rockcliffe Mansion also doubles as a Bed & Breakfast. Amazingly enough, guests get to sleep in these elegant & antique grand four poster beds! Definitely something I’d consider doing one day!
The toilet reminded me instantly of the one at my parent’s house.
The fact that this place remained so well intact and maintained internally just made me so happy to see. Many of the books in the bookcases were the ones originally owned by the family. Just incredible.
This room was one of my favorites and was built to resemble a Turkish Spa or something of that nature. I can’t remember exactly – should’ve wrote it down – but it was just beautiful inside. Definitely a highlight on a tour full of nothing but highlights.
The dining room boasted more of that old world opulence that I’m sure the family decadently enjoyed in their time there. This house was built to entertain and the dining room was an epicenter of such a need.
Java Jive was quite popular and for good reason! Everything we had was simply the best!
I got the Twain Wrap, which felt appropriate given where we were. They said it was one of, if not the, most popular dish so I figured when in Rome.
We were able to purchase a day pass here that allowed us to visit all the Mark Twain related places downtown. It came in handy later in the day when we went down the street to explore more.
Whitewashing the fence just like Tom Sawyer tricked all his friends into doing for him.
I love a good statue and initially the medieval castle you can see off to the right really threw me. I didn’t recall that Mark Twain had written A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, so that was a nice jog of the memory.
You know me, give me all the photo opportunities!
Top notch artwork! The building depicted in this one was the old train station. It looked incredible in all the photos we saw of it. Shame it no longer exists.
There now is a trolley tour around town. We didn’t ride it, but saw it several times. Definitely looked cute!
A little upset we didn’t get to the Haunted Wax Museum, but I’m sure I’ll return again one day. Love me a good wax museum. They already give off that haunted kind of vibe, so one that proclaims to be haunted is definitely right up my alley.
It was great to see all the factual places Mark Twain incorporated into his fictional literary works.
This was a downer, but we loved it nonetheless. I think I got cholera and died at the age of nine. Sucks to be me.
Because of our limited time leading up to our riverboat cruise, we didn’t really get to read this like I wanted, but nonetheless, I enjoyed reading the little bits that I did.
This was taken inside Huckleberry Finn’s House. It’s hard to believe that people lived like this! It was just all one open room! Wild! Not to mention that super low ceiling! Dying of cholera at the age of nine might’ve been a lowkey blessing in these days!
While the tour of Becky Thatcher’s, Huckleberry Finn’s, the pharmacy, and the like was informative and informational, it was also quite the labyrinth. It was handicap accessible with lifts and elevators, but there were plenty of stairs involved otherwise. I didn’t mind it, but it was definitely something to note for anyone who might have difficulty stepping.
We got to see plenty of the sights from the river that we visited in the town (such as the lighthouse in the top left). It sprinkled a bit on us near the end, but it was much better than being baked in the sun as we could’ve been!
A view of Lover’s Leap from the river.
God Bless America.
The flowers were really poppin’ in Hannibal and they were all over the place! This city does an excellent job at maintaining their ambiance.
The Tom and Huck Statue that overlooks Main Street. I wish there was a way to get closer to it, but unfortunately, no such luck. Still cute though from every angle.
The town war memorial commemorating all those who served from Hannibal.
You all know I love me a good lighthouse and this cutie was no exception!
The views of the river from any elevated point were another ocular highlight for me.
I loved the WWII era plane in the top right hand corner. Another favorite mural of mine.
This was not Meramec Caverns! Some of these passageways were narrow! We didn’t mind this by any means, but I could see how some might. Not every part was this way, plenty was expansive, but there were several corridors where we were in tight quarters with the cave.
This town loves them some Mark Twain – and for good reason, but seeing his image drawn up on the cavern walls definitely brought a smile to my face.
This was the only portion of the tour where you were allowed to touch the rock, so obviously we took advantage of this photo opportunity that was gifted to us.
The Mark Twain Riverboat as seen from Lover’s Leap.
We were truly blessed to be here during the golden hour. The sunet really amplified the moment.
People had taken to putting locks on the fencing within the hearts as well as the fencing around the cliff that kept anyone from wandering over. This was cute I thought, reminded me of that bridge I saw in Paris back in 2007.
The exterior of Friendship Brewery.
Everything you can see here was absolutely delicious!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


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