Pure Michigan: Manufacturing & Mystery In The Motor City

The statue you see front and center is Henry Ford, “Father of Industrial Education.”
They had several of Ford’s most iconic vehicles in this atrium and I loved seeing them all. While I would never want to own a classic car, I certainly love looking at them. Give me all the history.
A limited view of the facility from the eighth floor observation platform we were on. As you can see, this is still a fully functioning facility where new Ford vehicles are manufactured everyday.
These mechanisms and machines were just outstanding! Never seen anything like it in real life!
It goes without saying that being a Henry Ford Museum the emphasis was on transportation, but that wasn’t all they had…
There were plenty of recreations from different eras in time that afford the visitor a wonderful photo opportunity, so you know we loved this aspect!
I don’t know that I would necessarily love it, but one day I would like to go to the Indy 500. I think it’d for sure be an experience.
The staff was just wonderful and always willing to take our picture when need be!
A lot of the vehicles they had here belonged to former Presidents and other notable figures. This place was just a wealth of information and history. I can’t emphasize enough how much I loved it.
The picture doesn’t do it any justice, this locomotive was gargantuan! Incredible to think that these were what used to snake all across our country!
Love me some neons and classic cars! Give me all the doo-wop and 50’s vibes!
McDonald’s! A&W! White Castle! Classic car! Neon signs! I don’t know if I could love anything anymore than this display!
The exterior of The Whitney.
This place was second to none. The interior was extraordinarily well preserved and each dining room was themed as it was in the day. We were seated in what was once the music room. Fitting for a trip that revolved greatly around music!
I got this fish dish as my main course, but the appetizers, soup, and bread that preceded my entree were all excellent as well. This was such an awesome experience. We all loved it.
The Detroit Masonic Temple is the largest of its kind and was one of the first stops on our Motor City Ghost Tour.
Loved all the artwork they had all across the city of Detroit. This one especially resonated with us.
Anytime Prince was in Detroit, he would hold an intimate show here. We learned on our tour that his band still plays here regularly and apparently one can see his ghost on stage during their performance.
Intended to photograph the cat eyes, just lucked out with the addition of the McDonald’s sign!
Detroit really gave me Tim Burton Gotham City vibes. By this I mean the Gotham City that is depicted in the Tim Burton directed and Michael Keaton staring films, “Batman” and “Batman Returns.”

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


    1. Thank you, thank you! We had the best time! Can’t wait to showcase the next two days to you!

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