November 1, 2024 Pure Michigan: Magnificent Mackinac Island Ann Arbor was amazing in every sense of the word, but I’ve been beyond excited to share with you all our photos from Mackinac… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
October 30, 2024 Pure Michigan: Academic Adventure In Ann Arbor Our second day of vacation was especially rewarding and fulfilling because we got to spend it with my California Sister, Gabby! As you may… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
October 28, 2024 Pure Michigan: From The “Small Town” To Melissa’s Collegiate Discovery This trip is one I’ve been wanting to take for quite a while now. I’ve been to Michigan twice before, but the last time… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
October 8, 2024 California Love: September 24’ I’ve probably said this before, but it bares repeating, I need to visit California, specifically the area in which I used to live, at… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
March 4, 2024 Viva Loss Vegas Plenty of people love Las Vegas, but for me, the town is always a Loss. It’s full of more freaks and weirdos than anywhere… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
January 5, 2024 2023 I always enjoy doing these year end roundup posts as there are few things I love more than a good old fashioned greatest hits… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
December 8, 2023 My Whirlwind Weekend In La La Land I really do love Los Angeles. I’m not even going to sugarcoat it, I think it might be my favorite city in America after… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
September 5, 2023 “Your Total Comes To $1,305.17.” While I very much love highlighting my adventures for you all, both of the home and away variety, I realized it’s been quite a… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
August 25, 2023 Walt Disney World: Our Sixth Anniversary Trip: Magic Kingdom We went and saved the best for last by going to Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom on the final full day of our vacation, which… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...
August 17, 2023 Walt Disney World: Our Sixth Anniversary Trip: Hollywood Studios This day was spectacularly special because my good friend, Lauren, who I worked with at Macy’s St. Clair Square nearly a decade ago and… Sharing is Caring!FacebookPinterestLinkedInTumblrLike this:Like Loading...