Colorado Day One: Mile High Denver

This lil’ trip to Colorado has been simply THE BEST so far and I could not be more excited to share with you all, all that we did on day one! Do enjoy…!

Loved this place! Perfect kick-off to our Colorado Vacation!
Fish and Chips and Coleslaw! My favorite!

There’s been an important aspect of my life that I’ve been greatly neglecting to highlight in my travels. Hopefully, these next two photos will be the beginning of a new day that I will never again neglect…!

Notice the Hidden Mickey’s in the restroom tile at Henry’s 16th Street Tavern!
A New Day Has Come!
“The Best View of Denver” (From Left: Cody, Alyssa, Yours Truly, and Melissa)

The next two photos are of Civic Center Park, which when combined with the Colorado State Capitol Building (third upcoming photo), create a large scale downtown park that was truly quite gorgeous. Beyond the beaming Greek columns and traditional federal architecture though was a great deal of sadness in this complex. A couple hundred homeless people had setup camp here and seeing their makeshift residences of plastic bag tents, mattresses, shopping carts, and all else amongst the vast urban wealth that surrounded them was not only extremely unexpected, but just plain heartbreaking.

View of downtown Denver from the steps of the Capitol.
The 15th step of the Colorado State Capitol Building is exactly one mile above sea level!
Peep the Capitol in the distance.

The next handful of photos are from our little journey to Fort Collins, Colorado to see where my cousin, Alyssa, and her boyfriend, Cody, live and attend university. We had the privilege of touring Cody’s Sigma Pi Fraternity House, which was Hollywood adorable! The campus flower gardens, which were extraordinarily beautiful with a wide ranging variety of flowers! Then lastly, the Campus Oval, which was more or less the center of campus with all the original buildings having been built around it. Loved it. We then finished our day with lunch at Cody’s favorite restaurant in Fort Collins, Music City Chicken. I obviously knew it was going to be amazing when Cody said it was his favorite place in town, but WOW! The place was great! Again, loved it!

Made Alyssa take the photo since she’s not yet 21 and I’m not about to serve alcohol to a minor – especially in a frat house!
Thank you Andy Warhol for building this statue of my favorite soup!
Cody and Alyssa in The Oval.
I just love them so much! They’re the cutest! Truly simply the best!
Forgot to take a photo of my food, but didn’t forget the restroom picture!

The next nine pictures are of our photographic journey through Earth Illuminated, a Selfie Room of sorts that highlights various aspects of our planet, all created from biodegradable materials. We had THE BEST time and got some of THE BEST photos! You know how much I love taking pictures and this place did NOT disappoint!

In the words of someone quite special from our past, “CCCAAAAAAAAALLLLLL ME!”

We ended our day with a lil’ under the sea action at the Downtown Aquarium, which encompasses all the photos you’re about to see! Melissa and I both LOVE aquariums and this one certainly did not disappoint! We had dinner at the Aquarium Restaurant before touring the facility and not only was our food phenomenal, but it acted as the perfect precursor to our amazingly aquatic adventure! Cody, being an avid animal enthusiast, absolutely loved it too and the enthusiasm he radiated throughout our evening only served to elevate an already spectacular finish to our dynamic day!

That shark looks like its about to make them his meal!
My Pico De Gallo Grilled Shrimp with Seasoned Rice and Green Beans was THE BEST!
That Eel made me wanna poop my pants…
…thank goodness there was a restroom nearby!
My second favorite food after cabbage!

Well, there you have it, our first 24 hours in Colorado! As always, THANK YOU so very much for viewing and I do hope you enjoyed all the photos and lil’ stories above! PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below! You know how much I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be back tomorrow with another set of pictures and stories from our second day, so until then, I wish you all, all THE BEST!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Been to Denver many times and always had a great time once even dated a girl that lived there. Its been a long time and I didn’t even realize they have a aquarium. That place looked great! Maybe they caught the shrimp on site! Lol!

    1. You should make plans to go back because that aquarium was amazing! We’ve been having THE BEST time in this outstanding city!

  2. I love all of these pictures! So glad you guys are having the best time in Colorado! Love a good bathroom pic too by the way!

    1. Thank you & thank goodness! I’ve taken no shortage of restroom pics! I try to do so each time I use it! 😂

    1. You’re welcome & should the opportunity ever arise, you gotta go! It’s great here!

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