Day Two had us departing Sioux Falls and heading out west to Rapid City. Take a look at all the beauty and wonder we saw on this lively and adventurous day!
The World’s ONLY Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota was our first stop of the day and let me tell you what, WE LOVED IT!
These are all unique pieces of corn! The building is made like a regular building, but they spend $180,000 a year on putting up new corns with new theming!
“Jump! Jump for my love – of the Corn Palace!”
We really enjoyed this place. It was simple, but we had such an enjoyable time.
This is the first one FROM 1892!!!
I walked out on the balcony and took this shot. This place is a South Dakota Must-See!
Mitchell, South Dakota loves its corn & so do I! Corn is my third favorite food after cabbage & shrimp!
Jamie showcasing our initial excitement to have finally made it to Wall Drug. We saw AT LEAST 400 billboards leading up to Wall Drug beginning way back in northern Missouri!
When a place has roughly 400 billboards like I mentioned above, you kind of go into it with some lofty expectations and I bet 30, 40, whatever years ago, this place was the shit, but it just didn’t do it for us. I certainly didn’t hate it & am totally fine with having went, but I was just expecting something with a little more charm. It was just kind of a cheap souvenir station on steroids.
It did have a handful of cute photo opportunities though!
We had lunch at the 3 Amigo’s Cantina across the street and it was totally fine. We literally had to wait a half decade to get our checks and then pay for our food, but it was our server’s first day, so we gave him a pass. Legit though, he set us back a hot minute.
I saw this Bigfoot wood carving outside this abandoned motel by Wall Drug & just had to get out & take my photo with him. Aren’t we adorable?
In the field next to this gas station were all these prairie dogs, so we followed everyone else and went out there & took photos of them. They were really cute & all assumed we had food for them because they would legit come right up to us!
Little did I know in this moment that I’d soon be seeing one of these babies in real life…
The Badlands took my breath away & of course I stood out on those cliffs & serenaded anyone who could hear me with that beautiful love theme from Top Gun!
“Take My Breath Away!”
“I’m on the Edge of Glory!”
Expectations exceeded. The colors in the rock, the clouds in the sky, everything about this place was just perfect. I don’t know why the Hell they call it the Badlands because it’s anything but bad.
“You take my breath, you take my breath, away!”
I got so many compliments on this hoodie. I’m so proud of myself for buying it because it really is super cute & coupled with these shoes & dark wash jeans. I already know I was lookin’ my absolute best this day.
Thankfully we didn’t see any because there weren’t many restrooms in these parts & I for sure would’ve shit my pants.
I just loved these lil’ orange flowers.
Some Bighorn Sheep (I could be totally wrong about what animal this is) off in the distance.
There was a small lil’ platform (of more dirt and rocks) beneath me & I pretended like I had slipped causing poor Claire & Jamie to both have a mild heart attack. I know that was a dick move, but I couldn’t resist.
I could’ve sat here for hours. The air was crisp & clean, the sights were beautiful & majestic, & the day was just perfect.
A lil’ deer.
Told you we saw a real Bison! It was the last thing we saw on our way out of the Badlands National Park & it truly was the perfect way to end that moment.
Where we ate our dinner. Side story below…
So, we had this running bet on our trip and our waitress at the restaurant pictured above brought me a tie bringing vote to our competition, so God bless Mara for that. Jamie and Claire LOVE the movie, “It’s A Wonderful Life,” and they think George Bailey, the title character in the film, is this wonderful person who just lives to help everyone out and blah, blah blah. I on the other hand just saw this movie in its entirety for the first time like two years ago and think its an overrated piece of junk. I also strongly believe George Bailey is THE WORST character in the film and that he is the very personification of “woe is me.” He’s always playing the victim and just an all-around terrible character in general. I don’t like him whatsoever. Well, we asked all of our servers if they had seen the movie and if they had, what they thought of George Bailey. Our first server the night before in Sioux Falls (whose named was Jonmichael, which is ironic because one of my favorite friend’s is named Jon Michaels) agreed wholeheartedly with Claire and Jamie. THANKFULLY though for the wonderful Mara here at the Millstone Family Restaurant, she was in complete and total agreement with me. Needless to say, I tipped her $10 on my $17 bill for her extraordinary taste. She obviously knows what’s good.
I ordered one of my favorite dishes of all time, liver & onions. Needless to say, it was DELICIOUS!
As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll return soon with another photo post for Day Three, but until then, I wish you all, all the best!
Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney
Now see I thought Wall Drug was really something else! That place went on forever and ever but its been probably 30 years or so since I was there. Hell maybe even more. Badlands are still just as beautiful though.
We all thought that Wall Drug was probably pretty great way back when before all these mega gas stations & such have come along & perfected that formula. Agreed! The Badlands are a beauty that will never be anything but beautiful! Loved them so much!
Now see I thought Wall Drug was really something else! That place went on forever and ever but its been probably 30 years or so since I was there. Hell maybe even more. Badlands are still just as beautiful though.
We all thought that Wall Drug was probably pretty great way back when before all these mega gas stations & such have come along & perfected that formula. Agreed! The Badlands are a beauty that will never be anything but beautiful! Loved them so much!
Love all the photos. Prairie dogs are so entertaining and fun!
I love how you always mentioned pooping in your pants!
Thank you! The prairie dogs were just wonderful! I mean, having poop my pants seven times, I can’t not mention it when applicable! 😂
I would love to go there!
It was THE BEST!
Now this looks like it would’ve been a great trip!
It really was simply the best!