New England Day Four: Cape Cod, Massachusetts & Portsmouth, New Hampshire

We left the perfect state of Rhode Island early the morning of our fourth day and set course for Cape Cod, Massachusetts. We didn’t have any exact plans or bookings, which gave us the freewill to see and explore whatever it is we wanted and what I wanted to see more than anything was lighthouses.

Literally give me all the lighthouses. I LOVE lighthouses so much I can’t even fully tell you! There are two prints in clothing that I love to wear most of all: Hawaiian and Nautical and with the latter, lighthouses are a BIG thematic part, especially amongst my beloved Ralph Lauren, so with the Cape featuring so many lighthouses I was more than ready for this day!

It was honestly “freezing” out this day! I mean, no, it wasn’t below 32ยบ, but it was pretty damn cold and EXTREMELY windy! Wetsuit or not, I was equal parts shook and impressed by this guy kitesurfing!
Honestly, he was doing so well. I couldn’t imagine regular surfing much less adding a kite into the mix. Impressive for sure.
He CLEARLY didn’t see this sign because no one in their right frame of mind would be entering the water with this warning posted!
It was so peaceful and relaxing here. Here being Eastham, Massachusetts by the way. A small hamlet on the Cape.
I was so happy I caught these birds flying by. Majestic.
Y’all already know how excited I was by this sight!
Cutie on the trail!
I mentioned it was windy earlier and these trees and plants on the left show that pretty well. They’re bent in that position because the wind was barreling down on them! It was so intense!
When one of us is happy, we’re both happy.
This is where the lighthouse keeper used to live. LIVE! How in the world did someone live in this little hut!?! I was left so shook! One would have to be extremely dedicated to their life to live in this tiny shack year round.
I can literally close my eyes and smell the salty sea air and hear the crashing of the waves and the howling of the winds. Makes me so happy.
Again, give me all the lighthouses.
This enchanting trail led us to more lighthouses!
It was so beautiful as seen, but I bet a week later it would’ve left us breathless with the changing of the leaves.
Although only two are pictured, these were known as the Three Sisters Lighthouses. I wasn’t sure what the story was with them because only the one pictured on the right had a light, the other two were missing the top part. Peculiar, but interesting.
Love me an old graveyard.
These mills were all over the place it felt like and like so much else, I couldn’t get enough of them!
I will NEVER turn down an opportunity to visit a botanical garden and when we found one on the Cape, I knew we had to go! Thankful we did because this place was just a land of enchantment in the rain!
Love me some statues!
They had this fascinating antique automobile museum at the gardens, which seemed incredibly random, but what an added bonus! I don’t really care much about autos honestly, but I LOVE historical things, so I was really loving this showcase. Plus, it really reminded me of my good friend, Brewer, who’ll soon be featured in a special post in the coming weeks ahead because he LOVES cars and is soon leaving me to go learn how to make a career of working on them! So excited for him! He’s THE BEST!
Stanley Steamer!?! Is this car also tough on dirt while remaining gentle on carpets!?!
I also loved the architecture of this museum. It was honestly just a really neat place and again, such a welcomed addition to the botanical gardens. I felt like this place had something for everyone in that random sense.
Showcase of an old American roadtrip.
This car reminded me of something 007 would drive and I LOVE JAMES BOND!
The blue car in the center looks like “Doc” from the Disney/Pixar masterpiece, “Cars,” and I LOVE that movie so much!
“On the road again…!”
I was so thankful to be here in the rain because I felt like it really made everything glisten.
Loving these mills so much! Wish there was a wee bit more fog in this picture because that would’ve been really a sight to see, but I feel like in my heart I’ll return here one day, so who knows, maybe the fog I long for will be there then.
I just loved this photo.
Again, love these windmills.
These gardens were so pensive and relaxing, I’m still so thrilled we stumbled upon them.
Although they weren’t huge by any means, the gardens were large enough we never made it to the other side to see the carousel, which really bummed me out because I love a good carousel!
Another thing I love: waterfalls!
Peep that waterfall through the landscape!
Turkeys in the graveyard.
Mirror selfie!
We ate at one of the most highly rated restaurants in Portsmouth, New Hampshire this evening, The Library. This place is notable because it was once a hotel where George Washington himself once stayed! A couple centuries later, John F. Kennedy stayed here as well! I literally could not get enough of all the history in New England. Always left me fascinated.
This statue is called, “African Burying Ground” and it absolutely broke my heart. It sat in a park in downtown Portsmouth, but this wasn’t always a park and the heart of downtown. This land used to be an African American cemetery on the edge of town. In the days of the slave trade, Portsmouth was once a major entry point for slave ships, so this sculpture features two life-size figures, a male and a female, each one reaching around the edge of the slab towards the other, showcasing the various levels of separation, uncertainty, individuality, and even perseverance experienced by the individuals brought to this country against their will. American history features plenty of darkness and I think sculptures like this are an excellent reminder of that very real past. We can never change what’s been done, but we can always change what we do.
This angle just gutted me. These are American atrocities we must never, ever forget.

Well, as always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! PLEASE feel free to leave me a comment below as I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll return soon with Day Five, so keep an eye out for what will be the day we traveled north to mystic Maine! Until then though, I wish you all, all the best!

More haunts and happenings from our New England vacation:

New England Day One: Tarrytown & Sleepy Hollow, New York

New England Day Two: Essex & New Haven, Connecticut

New England Day Three: Newport & Providence, Rhode Island

New England Day Five: Portsmouth, New Hampshire & Portland, Maine

New England Day Six: Bangor, Maine & Burlington, Vermont

New England Day Seven: Salem & Boston, Massachusetts

New England Day Eight: Boston, Massachusetts

New England Day Nine: Boston, Massachusetts & Farewell to New England

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


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