Pure Michigan: Bicycling With All The Colors Of The Wind

These two are always on their phones! *insert wink face emoji here*
Future Bancy album cover. For those who don’t know, “Bancy” is the vocal duo of me (Ben) and Nancy. We love singing for our friends and family and I feel confident in saying they love it too.
The water was so beautifully blue here. Oh my goodness the array of colors took my breath away.
“Reach out and touch me!”
It was so peaceful and serene here. Take me back!
There were PLENTY of shops to rent bikes from downtown! We just chose the one that was closest to where we had breakfast that morning, but I’m sure one is just as good as another.
“I always feel like, somebody’s watching me.”
Ten second timer.
Like I’ve been saying, give me all the reflection shots!
Dressed for the occasion in my best British Red Coat.
This picture doesn’t quite do the hill justice, it really was intense, so their walking was warranted.
Right before her big “Pocahontas” moment in the woods.
Mary’s Bistro has some “world famous” chicken tenders, so I had to have them and needless to say, they were pretty delicious. World famous indeed.
The color pallette was truly painting with all the colors of the wind!
Arch Rock! Nancy and Melissa stayed below and took photos of me from the bottom to the top, but they were so dark I didn’t think they were worth making the final cut.
Another picture that doesn’t do justice to the situation. I really had to climb up and out on this tree. It wasn’t ground level as it appears.
The Detroit Institute of Arts had all these wonderful prints of pictures they feature in their gallery (which we ended up visiting and I’ll share in another post) sprinkled all across the island. It was super cute and I stopped to read up on each one.
The lady working the miniature golf course was super friendly and nice. She had her own playlist playing as we golfed and it was full of nothing but classic jams. We were lovin’ it!
We toured this fort the next day and it was absolutely enchanting. I loved nighttime in Mackinac, anytime was obviously wonderful, but there was something truly special, serene, and even still about the evening.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Used to bike all the time back in the day but like you guys haven’t got on one in a real long time. Sure. Looks like fun.

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