Hawaii Day Three: Pearl Harbor

I have completely and totally fallen in love with Honolulu and fully understand why everyone is so unbelievably kind and happy here, THEY LIVE IN PARADISE! While this is my first trip to Hawaii, I will make absolute certain it isn’t my last. Enjoy these photos of gorgeous downtown Honolulu and our emotional excursion to Pearl Harbor.

Zoom in on the Local Breakfast Platters! They don’t serve anything like that on the mainland!
This my favorite picture of the trip so far! Me, Melissa, and Kamber!
Charlie had to have her picture with the sign that read, “prince.” She’s the best.
The USS Arizona Memorial straddles the remains of the once great Battleship where 1,177 officers and crewmen lost their lives.
A look down to the Arizona from the Memorial above.
This made me so unbelievably sad, but I didn’t cry till I read the sign that you’ll see in the next photo.
The bottom right hand corner of this is what finally broke me. It reads: “It’s a large hole and we place the urn through and then you can kind of feel it release… I tell the family when I feel that pull, it’s the ship accepting one of its own back.” – NPS Dive Team Member
Formerly a gun turret of the USS Arizona.
The USS Missouri Battleship. Now a tourable museum, but it served as the site of surrender of the Empire of Japan, which formally ended World War II.
The anchor of the USS Arizona.
USS Bowfin submarine. Now a museum, but formerly a warship in WWII.
This ring represents the circumference of a submarine’s hull.

I had no doubt in my mind that Pearl Harbor was going to be an incredibly moving experience, but it was even more emotional than anticipated. They truly did an amazing job with paying homage to the past while maintaining a focus on education for the future. I will readily admit, I found it off-putting and odd that so many people were posing for pictures – smiles and all – while we were aboard the memorial. I found it to be incredibly inappropriate to stand there and smile while standing over the grave of more than a thousand soldiers, but that was just my take on the experience. Nonetheless, I enjoyed my time there and left with an increased knowledge of the events that transpired that day and how it shaped those that followed. It goes without saying that no vacation to Hawaii would be complete without a visit to Pearl Harbor and despite a few bumps in the road while trying to secure our reservations, I’m thankful we were able to make it happen.

As always, THANK YOU SO MUCH for viewing my blog! We’re having THE BEST time here in Hawaii and I’m so grateful that a couple hundred of you have been viewing the photos I’ve been sharing over the past couple of days! It means the world to me!

PLEASE feel free to leave a comment below as you know I LOVE reading and responding to them! Tomorrow Melissa and I are meeting with an old coworker of mine for lunch and I couldn’t be more excited for this reunion! She was always one of my absolute favorites and I’m thrilled we’re able to reunite here in paradise! Look for those photos and MANY MORE in the next blog that’ll be coming your way in another day, but until then, have THE BEST day ever!

I spent seven days in Heavenly Hawaii! Enjoy the photos and stories from the other six by clicking any of the links below! Mahalo!

Hawaii: Day One

Hawaii: Day Two

Hawaii: Day Four

Hawaii: Day Five

Hawaii: Day Six

Hawaii: Day Seven

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. The signature smile is back! Loved the tree photo! But that picture of you, Melissa, and Charlie is my favorite! 🥰👨‍👩‍👧

    Keep those wonderful pictures coming!!

    1. I figured that one of me & Melissa with Charlie would be a hit, so I was sure to include it!

    1. Thank you! It truly was! Downtown Honolulu is beautiful, but sprawling! This is apparently the largest city in the world as far as it’s geographic borders are concerned & I believe it! The city seems to go on forever!

  2. Great pictures! I especially love the one of you three with the trees and the one of everyone looking down. I’ve always wanted to go to the Pearl Harbor memorial, it looks incredible!

    1. It was so good! They weren’t playing any of the movies that usually run tandem with the tour, so I was sad to miss those, but past that, it was amazing. Such a place of tragedy. Yes! That photo of the three of us is my favorite too! I just love it!

  3. So great! Fantastic photos!! You all look so happy 😁
    I was ready to ask about Hawaiian McDonald’s, thanks for sharing!!!

    1. You know I was gonna get me some McDonald’s eventually! I couldn’t believe how many unique offerings they had here for that! Way to go, McDonald’s!

      1. I can’t imagine Pearl Harbor being anything but a moving and sad place. I think ur right about taking pics and doing it with a smile. Just don’t seem right to me either. Glad u guys are having fun.

        1. Thank you! Yes, we’re having a wonderful time! Pearl Harbor was something that I’m thankful we did but it was definitely emotionally heavy. Not lightweight fun like everything else has been!

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