South Dakota Day One: The Drive North & Sioux Falls

FINALLY! After what has been years AND years of talking about it, I’m actually on my way to see Mount Rushmore! One of my absolute best friends on this planet we call Earth, Jamie, who I’ve known for thirty years (and remember, I’m only twenty-nine) and her niece, Claire, who just graduated the eighth grade, have joined me on this thrilling adventure north!

Please enjoy this eclectic and entertaining set of photos from the first day of our vacation!

Taco John’s came HIGHLY recommended to us from a friend of Jamie and I and let me tell you what Eric, you definitely oversold this place a lil’ bit. I mean, it was definitely totally fine, but in the same way that Burger King is a fine substitute when you really want McDonald’s. Pictured from Left: Claire, myself, and Jamie.
Having never been, I figured I would order their #1 combo, which I always assume is anyone’s signature meal. It consisted of two beef hard shell tacos, some Potato Olés, and a beverage. Like I said, it was totally fine. Comparable to Taco Bell or Del Taco.
Our first stop in Sioux Falls, South Dakota was the beautiful and enchanting Falls Park. Loved it.
The three of us at the top of the tower overlooking the park and downtown.
There were statues all over this city and this one about the American Farmer seemed particularly prominent given the incredible importance of American agriculture.
LOTS of Bison imagery all over the place and I CANNOT wait to share with you all a truly special moment with a real Bison come Day Two. It is a NOT TO BE MISSED MOMENT!
Jamie & Claire on the pedestrian bridge across the river.
An adorable café at the park that was housed in this truly historical building.
A shot of the falls from beneath the bridge.
Alternate angle from beneath the bridge.
I lowkey took like two hundred pictures of these falls. I was just captivated by them.
A view of the river from where I was standing taking shots of the falls in the photos above.
I would’ve smiled if I knew I was going to be on Candid Camera.
This was an old turbine structure that used to power this old mill that stood above the way.
That tower in the center is where we were in the photo of the three of us from above. You could see so much from up there. It was the perfect way to start our adventure in Falls Park!
Another perspective of the falls.
Last picture of the falls – I swear – I just loved them so much! I couldn’t quit photographing!
MacKenzie River was the WONDERFUL restaurant downtown Sioux Falls where we had dinner. Our server was phenomenal and the food was outstanding! We just loved it.
I thought the entrance to this place was real cute.
The bar area was adorable too! I mean, look at that boat hanging upside down behind it! We just loved this place!
My “little” cup of Bison Chili – it was sweet, tangy, and just all around delicious! I really messed up not reviewing it on my Snapchat, but I was so damn hungry it’s a small miracle this photo even got taken!
My Southwest Salad – one of the best I’ve ever had. I literally LOVED this place so much. 10/10. Highly recommend!
Like I said earlier, there were statues all over this town and here’s Miss Claire with one of them.
I love a good iron gate and I definitely bet I’d love their performance of Anastasia also!
Me and some mini-falls outside the performing arts center.
Like I said, the Bison imagery was vast.
Art for days. Literally fell so very much in love with this city.
Even the sewer drains were artistic!
This theater was just adorable!
Had Claire go across the street to capture a photo of me. I swear, by the end of this trip, she’ll be a seasoned photographer!
I thought that church looked real cool and cute through the fog. You’ll see a better photo of it in a bit…
They called this bridge the “Arc of Dreams” and let me tell you what, it was dreamy! I loved it!
Give me all the “Reflection” shots I can get please!
“Gimme! Gimme More!”
I just loved this city so much. So many bridges and so much cuteness.
The Arc of Dreams was even more incredible in real life.
I couldn’t decide which version of this picture to include in the blog…
…so I included them both. I just loved this particular shot.
Another perspective of the Arc of Dreams.
Told you’d be seeing this church again! This is Cathedral of Saint Joseph.

As always, THANK YOU so much for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! We’re on this trip for six days and five nights, so you can expect there to be another five where this one came from! Please feel free to leave me a comment below as I absolutely love reading and responding to them! I’ll be back soon, but until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More from our lil’ trip to South Dakota:

South Dakota Day Two: The Corn Palace & The Badlands

South Dakota Day Three: Religious, Reptilian, & Respectable Rapid City

South Dakota Day Four: The Black Hills & doubling up on Mount Rushmore

South Dakota Days Five & Six: Deadwood & The Drive Home

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Been up there a long long time ago! You gotta go to Wall Drug! Real neat place on the way to Rapid city!

    1. We went there yesterday & how could we not!?! We only saw about 400 billboards hyping that place up!

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