Viva Loss Vegas

We stayed in New York, New York because it was right next door to the T-Mobile Arena where Madonna performed.
Nancy is always down for a cute photo opportunity!
See what I mean!
I love Coca-Cola so much. We spent a fair amount of time in that wonderful store.
Mickey’s possibly my favorite Disney character. Definitely top three for sure. He’s the original icon.
A little blurry, but I loved this photo of the four of us. From Left: Nancy, me, Kamber, and Melissa.
These wooden planked floors they had during the “Almost There” sequence from “Princess and the Frog” were so cute I felt, but the floors changed depending on what film and song was being projected.
When it started snowing during Frozen 2’s, “Show Yourself,” I definitely teared up some. I wasn’t expecting this song at all, for sure thought it’d be “Let It Go,” but as this is one of my favorite Disney songs, I was so incredibly thankful and happy.
Love me some Ursula!
Taken at Martha Stewart’s Bedford Restaurant located in Paris. It was delicious and our waiter, Ben, was outstanding! 10/10! Highly Recommend!
I ate an incredible amount of seafood on this trip. In fact, I think I had it at every single meal, which is odd given our location in the desert, but whatever I guess. Seafood is my favorite genre of food and these were my scallops at Martha’s. That’s wonderful Ben the Waiter’s arm enhancing Melissa’s dish.
Reading to get “Into The Groove!”
She opened with my favorite song off her 1997 “Ray of Light” album, “Nothing Really Matters.” It was the first perfect performance of a night full of nothing but them.
Madonna’s had more Billboard Top Ten hits than any other act in history at 38. She obviously cannot perform everything, so while there were some songs I wish we’d of heard, it was still an incredible showcase of her forty year career. She’s performing one of her earliest hits here, “Burning Up!”
“Live To Tell” was an emotional tribute to those lost from AIDS.
Backed my an incredible troupe of dancers, Madonna and company put on a show that will forever be etched into my mind. I believe she was performing “Erotica” here.
“Die Another Day” is one of my favorite songs by her and this performance was quite impactful with the lighting usage tied to the melody.
“Bitch, I’m Madonna” had everyone dressed in some of her most iconic looks. It was the perfect way to end the night.
Here you can see The Sphere. I’ll be honest, it was incredibly underwhelming for me. It was just a big ball with some images projected on it. Who cares? Not this guy. It looked better at night, but I didn’t even bother to take a picture.
I will say a lot of the themed hotels are pretty amazing there and the exterior of the Luxor is favorite of mine. It just looks so neat to me.
We ate that this restaurant, Retro, at Mandalay Bay, it’s by these two celebrity chef brothers Melissa and Nancy love and these were their signature appetizer, a SpaghettiO’s inspired dish. Pretty tasty all in all, but at $36 they were certainly not ten times better than a can of SpaghettiO’s, but everything in Vegas is so priced up it’s outrageous.
I ordered lobster and while it gave mention to a waffle in the description I didn’t know it was going to be like a lobster sandwiched by two waffles. Ugh. I’m not really a waffle person, so this was a real disappointment for me. The lobster was delicious but I just don’t care about waffles. Underwhelming for sure. Also, because it was lobster, you already know it was expensive af!
“Dirrty” is one of my favorite songs of all time, so when she performed this I was losing my shit – as much as I could – given we were packed in there like sardines, but nonetheless I was jammin’!
Our feelings about the show – and the city.
The wedding dress she married Charles in.
I don’t even know which casino we were in, but we stumbled upon this really random Lady Gaga Haus of Gaga exhibit. It was mostly a store for her merchandise, but featured plenty of iconic outfits and things from her career like the egg seen here where she arrived to the Grammy Awards in a decade back.
Like I said, this town is full of freaks and weirdos and the woman in between Nancy and I was for sure one of them. She photobombed our picture and hung around for WAY LONGER than any sober person would. It was such an odd moment on a trip full of so many of them.

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. Loved this blog! Incredible pics! Even with the weirdo’s- You all have created another round of great memories ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you, thank you! It was definitely a whirlWIND weekend (it was so incredibly windy we all almost got blown away!) Yes, PLENTY of memories of PLENTY varieties were created this trip! 🤦🏼‍♂️😂

  2. Been wondering where you been for all this time! Vegas! Lol! Sounds like quite the trip oh my gosh.

    1. We do hate it, but as long as they keep having great shows – which I’m sure they will – we’ll continue to go! Begrudgingly though!

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