Cutesville Connections: Steel City Cheesecakes

This case isn’t just cheesecakes! The bottom lefthand corner has dog treats! DOG TREATS! I was blown away! There’s all kinds of delicious looking pastries, muffins, pop tarts, and the works in this thing! I was immediately impressed by the incredible offerings before us!
I’m always a sucker for a seasonal beverage, so I treated myself to the King Cake Cold Brew and the Big Easy! Both were absolutely delicious in their own unique way.
The oil lamp seen to the right of the chandelier took me and Cortni back about twenty-five years! Our Aunt Midge had a very similar one, so that instant nostalgia hit hard.
Created our own sampler platter of the Minis. From Top Left: Oreo, New York, Strawberry, Turtle, Apple Crisp, Cherry. Not going to lie, it became impossible to narrow down which couple we loved most for twentyFINE because all six were DELICIOUS! Usually I’m indifferent to originals, but that New York Style was simply the best! Honestly, better than The Cheesecake Factory’s! We knew in advance we wanted to serve four flavors to our guests, but the jury is still out on which of these four it’ll be!
Cortni enjoying some of the Strawberry.
We had to get a picture together to commemorate the occasion. We’ve done an excellent job of documenting our road to twentyFINE.
Cortni’s Iced French Quarter Latte with her Lemon & Oreo Cheesecakes Tins to go!
Plenty of cozy and spacious seating!
The walls are lined with Essential Oils, Syrups, Shirts, and all kinds of other wants and needs! All available to purchase! We had a great time shopping around!
This children’s seating area was too cute!
Complimentary Water & Wi-Fi!
LOVED the restrooms! This mirror was HUGE and the decor on the wall was super spunky!
Lovely outdoor seating!
A great space for a party!
There was quite an array of interesting finds inside the gift shop! Loved checking it all out! Honestly, this place had something for EVERYONE!
I promise you, you’re going to want to try this place if you haven’t already!
Had to return the next morning to treat myself to a slice of the Breakfast Pizza! It was PHENOMENAL! Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Gravy, and Cheese on top a flaky crust! I loved it! My coffee was an Iced Chocolate Covered Strawberry Latte! Loved it too! I’m telling you, this place is so much more than just great cheesecakes!
Steel City Cheesecakes even has a drive-thru window! There’s a menu board just to the left of that window that fully showcases all the amazing eats, treats, and drinks they offer!

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


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