ALOHA! About midway through this blog you’ll find the photo I’m most proud of having taken on this trip. It gave me real joy to capture it and if you know me at all, you’ll have no problem deciphering which one of the forty it is. Apart from that true highlight, we went somewhere this afternoon that had me feeling like I could just stretch out my arm and touch Heaven. It was phenomenal in every sense of the word. I cannot wait for you to see these fifth day photos…!
I loved the mural on the side of this building. How perfect!
We attempted to go to Diamond Head Crater, but apparently it’s closed on Wednesday’s. Unfortunately, this information wasn’t available to us until after we Uber’d there. Oh well, the views were amazing from outside the entry tunnel.
The aforementioned entry tunnel. The guards were kind enough to allow me to walk as far as I did to capture this photo.
The only non-red STOP sign I’ve ever seen in my life.
We all know I LOVE a good restroom, but this mosaic just captivated me! I LOVED IT!
Charlie is quite the animal enthusiast and LOVED the zoo. The boys… not as much.
Mariah Carey would be so proud.
Alligator skeleton!
The zoo itself was wonderful, but the mountain and city views from within it were outstanding!
You see the one, but do you see the other?
Overall, I very much enjoyed the Honolulu Zoo! Had Diamond Head Crater never of been closed, we’d never of gone, so it was very much a pleasant surprise.
Seriously, fuck Donald Trump. A special place in Hell awaits his demonic ass.
Fittingly located just across the street from the Trump hotel because again, fuck Donald Trump.
We got an Uber to Tantalus Lookout. He dropped us off and then we realized based off all the Instagrams we’d seen that it wasn’t quite the right place, so we took a lil’ walk…
…up this dangerous AF road that was narrow as shit. Melissa almost died (not from the vehicles and blind corners, but from her poor feet), but I think you’ll soon agree, the view was VERY MUCH worth it.
Okay seriously, Keeps (men’s hair regrowth product) better start working fast because the way this sun is hitting me has me looking like I’m wearing a damn kippah. People already be thinking that because of my big nose I’m Jewish, so I don’t need my hair adding to that image. Not that there’s anything wrong with being Jewish, but I’m not, and I’m certainly NOT going for that look. Lord Jesus help me, I don’t wanna start wearing hats, but if it’s what I gotta do, so help me you better believe I will.
Nearly to the top.
Made it! The view form above!
Truly these pictures don’t do it justice. The view was just extraordinary from atop Tantalus Lookout! Thank God for Instagram otherwise we’d of never known about it! #blessed
A lil’ BTS action compliments of Kamber!
As always, THANK YOU SO MUCH for viewing my blog! Hawaii has been the experience of a lifetime and I’m so thankful that I’ve been able to share my moments with the couple hundred of you who’ve joined me each day so far! You ALL are THE BEST!
PLEASE feel free to leave me a comment below, you know I love reading and responding to them! Tomorrow we’re renting a vehicle and driving around Oahu and I couldn’t be more excited to see the rest of the island outside of heavenly Honolulu! So get excited for those pictures, but until then, I hope you have THE BEST day EVER!
I spent seven days in Heavenly Hawaii! Enjoy the photos and stories from the other six by clicking any of the links below! Mahalo!
Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney
Then I’ll inevitably be bald for the rest of my life! 😂 …the option has crossed my mind though, yes! Keeps says it takes 4-6 months for results. It’s only been 2. There’s still hope that this is going to work for me! 😂
I LOVED, Loved, loved ALL those photos! You are your father’s son! Thanks for the idea on what to get you for your upcoming Birthday… maybe I’ll get it at
TJ Maxx! Well, about the feet thing, isn’t that ironic… I tried to buy Melissa some orthotic walking shoes for this Hawaiian trip but she only focused in on the ugly ones. 😂 I love her anyway! 🥰
I knew you’d love them! Especially those beautiful Trump ones! Melissa has a million feet problems in addition to the one that looms large over all else: her stubbornness.
I could see the second gator in the left side of the water. Things real huge! U can bet I would’ve done the exact same thing if I saw myself a tRump property. Good job! Those up top picttures definitely looked the walk up to me! Really nice.
It’s actually a gharial in the water! They have super skinny snouts that they primarily eat fish with & reside in India. They definitely are huge though! Glad you would’ve done the same! When I saw that sign I couldn’t miss the opportunity to take that photo because like I said, fuck him. He’s the worst. YES! The view from the Lookout was unrivaled! I’m so glad we found it!
Omg I love the blue stop sign and the mosaic At the zoo! Of course I love the adorable pics you took of yourself and I wouldn’t want upset queen Mariah but… you know how I feel about butterflies hahah! So glad you guys are still having so much fun and enjoying all of the beautiful sites!
That walk though. RIP me.
😂😂😂 Nevertheless you persisted & thank goodness too! Those views were well worth your immensely swollen feet!
Have you considered shaving your head
Love the photos
Then I’ll inevitably be bald for the rest of my life! 😂 …the option has crossed my mind though, yes! Keeps says it takes 4-6 months for results. It’s only been 2. There’s still hope that this is going to work for me! 😂
I LOVED, Loved, loved ALL those photos! You are your father’s son! Thanks for the idea on what to get you for your upcoming Birthday… maybe I’ll get it at
TJ Maxx! Well, about the feet thing, isn’t that ironic… I tried to buy Melissa some orthotic walking shoes for this Hawaiian trip but she only focused in on the ugly ones. 😂 I love her anyway! 🥰
I knew you’d love them! Especially those beautiful Trump ones! Melissa has a million feet problems in addition to the one that looms large over all else: her stubbornness.
I could see the second gator in the left side of the water. Things real huge! U can bet I would’ve done the exact same thing if I saw myself a tRump property. Good job! Those up top picttures definitely looked the walk up to me! Really nice.
It’s actually a gharial in the water! They have super skinny snouts that they primarily eat fish with & reside in India. They definitely are huge though! Glad you would’ve done the same! When I saw that sign I couldn’t miss the opportunity to take that photo because like I said, fuck him. He’s the worst. YES! The view from the Lookout was unrivaled! I’m so glad we found it!
Omg I love the blue stop sign and the mosaic At the zoo! Of course I love the adorable pics you took of yourself and I wouldn’t want upset queen Mariah but… you know how I feel about butterflies hahah! So glad you guys are still having so much fun and enjoying all of the beautiful sites!
Your secret is safe with me! Even though Mariah would be pissed. 😂 We’ve had the best time! I’m so sad to be leaving!
You took so many pictures.
Yes, yes I did! We took thousands!