South Dakota Day Three: Religious, Reptilian, & Respectable Rapid City

Rapid City may only have a population of about 77,000 residents, but that doesn’t mean there is any shortage of fun-filled activities! On this day alone we went to the Chapel in the Hills, which is an old Scandinavian themed chapel modeled like what one would have seen over in Norway. Storybook Island, which was an enchanting playground featuring just about every fairytale character there ever was and enhanced with the iconic sounds of the High School Musical and Hannah Montana soundtracks. Dinosaur Park, which sat high atop the mountain overlooking the city and featured about a half dozen prehistoric pals. Reptile Gardens, which boasts the largest collection of reptiles in North America. Then finally, downtown Rapid City where there is a statue for everyone who has ever been President of the United States up through my man, Barack Obama. I can only assume that someday soon Trump and eventually Biden will also be making their way downtown. So come on and check out roaring Rapid City with us…!

Chapel in the Hills was a quick lil’ stop, but it was absolutely wonderful. Super cute and serene. I would love to have had the time to sit there with a Starbucks Iced Coffee and a Harry Potter novel and just spend the afternoon reading away.
Looks pretty petite, but it was surprisingly larger inside than I would’ve guessed.
I took this from the altar, which laid directly behind me. This space can be rented for weddings and other events and you best believe if I was living up there I’d find some reason to put it to use!
Looks a bit bigger from the side angle.
We were told to rub his nose for good luck. Well, I did and to be fair, the entire day was wonderful up until the point we went back to the hotel for a lil’ hour long break. I was messing around with WordPress (my blog provider) and disconnected Facebook, so it would refresh my subscribers when the polar opposite happened! It would NOT allow me to reconnect it and as a result, I’ve lost 330 subscribers to my site! I mean, they’re technically not really lost, just not accounted for with WordPress. Still haven’t fixed this blunder and remain mad as Hell at this damn troll.
Storybook Island FAR exceeded my expectations. This place was cute AF! If I lived in Rapid City it was almost enough to make me wish I had kids to bring there on a regular basis – I said ALMOST – plus, I don’t live in Rapid City, so nevermind that.
Me and Noah’s Ark.
Claire with Jack and the Beanstalk.
“Follow the Yellow Brick Road!”
Y’all know I love a good reflection pic.
Me, Yogi Bear, and Boo Boo – hopefully they don’t eat me!
“Is this a cat in a hat?” “No, it’s a tortoise in a shell.” IYKYK.
“I saw Jamie kissing Santa Claus…”
Singing into the wishing well.
“A Whole New World…!”
These steps were narrow and steep, but the view was just spectacular from above.
These dinosaurs were old AF, but we had a pleasant and wonderful time here nonetheless.
Looking out over Rapid City.
A view of downtown.
“Come run the hidden pine trails of the forest…”
This sign in the restroom was too cute to pass up!
This building used to be the first firehouse in the city, but now its a restaurant and brewery! Super well maintained and wonderful place to grab a bite or a drink downtown Rapid City. 10/10. Highly recommend.
Their Fish & Chips were voted The Best in Town! Obviously, I had to get them! I love me some fish & chips!
Reptile Gardens gave us quite an interesting afternoon. A torrential downpour came our way & forced us all inside this reptile-filled dome for quite longer than we anticipated. We definitely made the most of it by sitting there and relaxing on some benches and slowly walking around to take in the vast variety of reptiles. Also, peep that glass chamber on the side, that was the elevator that Jamie & Claire had to take to the top & along their way they had a lil’ stowaway in the form of a small lizard. Poor Claire, she didn’t love that one bit.
Inside the dome.
Jamie has unfortunately had some health scares this year & cannot currently walk quite as well as in the past, so a wheelchair became necessary a handful of times on the trip, but she’s doing what needs to be done to get herself back better than ever.
The gardens portion of Reptile Gardens.
These tortoises were big AF! I couldn’t believe we got to stand right next to them! It was such a treat!
Clearly this is me in these gallows, but in South Dakota, they let 14 year old children work & Reptile Gardens employed dozens of them! We were shook! Claire is 14! If I had to work at 14 years of age I’d be wishing I was taken to the actual gallows! I don’t want to work now at 29, much less at 14! My goodness that’s crazy! I guess for the farms & shit, but still, what a crazy law.
Art Alley downtown Rapid City. This picture doesn’t do it true justice, but it went on for several blocks.
Jamie loves her some Bill Clinton.
Like I said, Jamie LOVES her some Bill Clinton.
Me and George W. Bush. No, he wasn’t the best president, but I strongly believe he’s a genuinely good guy & I still maintain a lot of respect for him. I feel like if we were to hang out we’d have the best time, so it felt necessary to get my photo with his statue.
“You can’t let Dick run your life!” A beautiful quote from one of my all-time FAVORITE films, Dick. A truly historical masterpiece depicting the events of the Watergate scandal that eventually brought down the Nixon Administration. Definitely a MUST-SEE!
Me & FDR!
Had to get a shot with my man, Abraham Lincoln. We’re both from the greatest state in the union after all, Illinois!
I love, love, LOVE Barack Obama. I about pulled a Jamie & cried at his statue like she did Bill Clinton’s (who I also love)! Barack just inspires me so much & I cannot say enough positive things about him. The man’s a saint.

As always, THANK YOU SO MUCH for viewing! I appreciate you greatly! Feel free to leave a comment below as you already know I LOVE reading and responding to them! I’ll be sharing Day Four very soon, which was when we visited Mount Rushmore, but until then, I wish you all, all the best!

More from our lil’ trip to South Dakota:

South Dakota Day One: The Drive North & Sioux Falls

South Dakota Day Two: The Corn Palace & The Badlands

South Dakota Day Four: The Black Hills & doubling up on Mount Rushmore

South Dakota Days Five & Six: Deadwood & The Drive Home

About the author

Working hard everyday towards achieving my goal of becoming an international best-selling author. Wrote the book, just need the agent and publisher. Received the ultimate endorsement when Britney Spears wrote me saying she'd be one of the first in line to buy my book! #FreeBritney


  1. That Storybook Island park looks like something my kids and I would just love! The dinosaur one too! Didn’t realize they had all this up there! Thanks for sharing! Maybe my family and I need to start planning a trip!

    1. 10/10. Highly recommend. You & your family will LOVE it! We honestly had the absolute best time!

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